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  • Uh, Butterfree, on my profile it says that I last visited at 3:41 PM today (GMT -7). I wasn't anywhere near a computer then. Can you check what IP accessed my account at that time?
    I had a dream last night that me and an Unlikely Band of Heroes had to go on a quest to save... something, I don't even remember what, but what I do remember is that it involved carrying batches of Hershey Kisses over the land to... somewhere. I don't remember any of the people in the Unlikely Band of Heroes other that it included me, my cousin, and for some reason you. The only other thing I can remember from this dream is the part where one of the other people in the group made some homophobic comment so I just shouted "HEY. DON'T EVEN. I'M BISEXUAL." and my (homophobic in real life) cousin went "So you think! But you have a boyfriend and you don't know for a fact that you're bisexual!" and then everyone started yelling at each other until finally you just went "SHUT UP. JUST EVERYONE SHUT UP. YOU'RE BICKERING LIKE FIVE-YEAR-OLDS. I HAVE FOUR KIDS SO I KNOW THIS"
    actually wait that was the wrong question

    The significance of his aging backwards...well hell now I can't remember. I think it was just for flavor. And the sort of tragic image of this ancient yet seemingly normal baby passing away at the moment the world starts ending. The people he transports to the past have the ability to alter it, but I wasn't going to fiddle with that very much. I just had a single story arc that involved one hero travelling back in time, defeating a villain that would cause major problems in the future, thus changing the world as we know it. The idea is that my mental-based character, who operates mainly by phasing her consciousness from her body, would be the only one aware of the changes in the present, since her mind would instinctively protect itself from outside alterations. Likely in this separate future, the time-transport-guy wouldn't exist, and I'm hoping that would avoid having to deal with what his memories would be like (the same or altered with the changed timeline)
    Well I remember you pointed out flaws in the Jewel of Life time thing and I can't think of anyone I know that would know the first thing about it. But my idea was one man who ages backwards, a la Benjamin Button, from the unspecified time of his birth to the End of Days, which would be the same time as his natural death. By looking directly into your eyes this man would be able to transport you through time to wherever he was at the time you were wanting to arrive, but for that to work he would have to be conscious of every single point in time in which he lived, minus the old/young age towards the End of Days during which his memory wouldn't function as well. Would that create any glaring paradoxes, to have one consciousness spread throughout infinite instances of the same body?

    I hope that made sense
    ...thanks. :o

    I was curious mostly because I had a sociopath compliment me on portraying xyr disorder in a neutral light in a story I wrote. Which is alarming because the character he was referring to was technically supposed to be a schizoid.
    One of your posts reminded me I'm still not quite sure what "sociopath" is supposed to mean :\
    *reverse ostrich walks across your profile* IS THERE A PROBBBBLEEEEM MADAM?
    not sure if you're aware of this/whether it's important: two of the graphs (the two 'ball effectiveness by current HP' ones) on this page are slightly too wide for the centre column when viewed in voice of the forest style. I'm on firefox 8.0, if that's important. wasn't sure if this was really worth mentioning, but you're a self-professed perfectionist, so. :>
    "[...] nobody should ever, ever seriously answer 'Who the hell do you think you are?' with "A mixed soul lost upon a plank in a mighty ocean.'"

    Clearly, it is the best response to such a question.
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