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  • Thought you might want to know: the store that supposedly had hotel dusk didn't, so no go. Ah well! I will get you a different thing.
    Well, it's just that you need a fairly good team to get far enough in the tower to see the effects of AI hate, or such has been my impression, so running one reliant on paralysis/confusion would be a risky venture, since you might get eliminated fairly early on.

    Hmm, I think I'm in. I hadn't really noticed any difference in griping between the Subway and HG/SS Tower, but then again I didn't really pay any attention to HG/SS Tower stuff. I'll look into it more and see which one I'd like to work with and start collecting some data.

    btw, if you have access to the WFC and want to grab a decent team really quick, you can probably find what you need on Pokécheck; a lot of them would already be EV-trained for you!
    No, but I've certainly been there myself. :P I haven't seriously towered in ages, but I'm going to be building a serious Battle Subway team pretty soon, so if you'd like I can take notes when I'm playing that. Unfortunately, the team I have now also just runs into the problem of "welp let's just slap this together and see what happens" and can't consistently get very far on the Super Subway.

    Unfortunately, building a team that relies too heavily on paralysis/confusion/other volatile effects would be difficult to get high into the Tower, simply because those tend to be pretty suboptimal play strategies in that environment... I understand that you want to test the assertion that not only do the AI opponents get their paralysis/freeze/etc secondary effects activated *all the time,* but that players *never* get theirs activated (not literally never, but you know what I mean), but it would be very difficult. Would simply looking at rate of critical hits/secondary attack activations (on the player side; obviously I can record full paralysis/confusionfail on my own pokémon just fine) be enough, or would you want me to try and figure something out with the other statuses? Paralysis at least sees some use; I could also put together a hail team and go looking for freezes.

    Come to that, are you interested in the Battle Subway at all? Or do you want to confine your testing to the G/S Tower? The different games do have different character to their Tower equivalents.

    I'm willing to help out if you'd like, whatever the case.
    The Battle Tower doesn't start to hate on you until after you beat Palmer the first time. It's pretty easy to get 50 wins; 100, not so much. At the beginning the RNG seems to pull punches for you, if anything.

    Good luck battling, though!
    Butterfree you are a life saver. I'd completely forgotten most of what I'd written.

    I build shrines in your honor.
    Hey, my favorite admin in the world!

    Erm, is there any way to recover an stupidly deleted post? I was on my phone and accidentally deleted a post in the RP "Momento Mori".... whoops, I was editing, and the touch screen went spazzo.

    EDIT: Oh and sorry for being a ninja in that help thread. :P
    Unfortunately I missed the buildup to that chapter, but then Vincent's confusion after the nightmare and the subsequent breakup just added to the "wat" factor of the entire thing.

    Say, how hard did you find the game? I might want to play it but from watching my brother, it looks pretty difficult.
    :D Catherine! I never played that game myself because we only have the Japanese version, but I watched my brother play it (and he translated the important points for me) and the mindscrew is amazing. A giant baby with machine guns and chainsaws? Yes please.
    So even though Skitty can't be caught in any game with a Moon Ball it's going to remain on the list anyway? I just figured I would point it out cause it seemed like there was a lack of consistency - I figured either the list should have both Munna and Skitty since both evolve with the Moon Stone or the list should have neither since neither of them are in games where they can be caught with the Moon Ball.
    oh, wanted to point out something on your capture calculator page - in the apricorn-made balls bonus section, you write the bonus for the Moon Ball as applying to the "Nidoran, Clefairy, Jigglypuff or Skitty families". That discounts Munna but Munna can never be caught with a Moon Ball since you can never get a Moon Ball in gen V - but, at the same time, you also can't get a Skitty in the wild in HG/SS so you could never have a Skitty in a Moon Ball either. Just thought I'd point it out.
    Hmm, it's probably harmless, then, as my computer was powered off, from my records, and no one was at home. Perhaps a glitch? I don't know.

    Thank you for the check!
    No, I don't have sensitive stuff in my CP, but I might be able to deduce the identity of whoever/whatever got in by the treads they viewed :/
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