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  • doesn't it suck?

    I guess, but not directly. What would you relate the time to in the title? Gauges or Steam?

    And so I come back to my first point: how did Dave find out if both his consorts and Calsprite are useless?
    yeah, I figured.

    Another of my spriting problems is that I can't always seem to get perspective right, and I can't make inanimate objects for my life. So my sprites are kind of at a standstill, because those are the things I have left to do.

    And I thought about the hint thing in the title, and I figured mine (LoGaS) couldn't work for Time. But, it couldn't really work for anything. So it might be Land of Gears and Steam, or land of Gauges and Seconds (that would be cool, but it would eliminate the main reason I like Land of Gauges and Steam, the Steam! It flows with my steampunk style, and the humidity of where I live sometimes)

    And aren't Dave's consorts just like "naknaknaknaknaknaknaknaknaknaknaknaknak"?
    :O We should combine our powers to make awesome sprites!

    Mine would be a white collared shirt (sleeves rolled to the elbows), Black suspenders, a Dark purple tie, Grey slacks and fancy dress shoes. Oh and Steampunk goggles. Don't forget the Stempunk goggles.

    And yes. So many computers. At least five at all times, like any sensible person. I would have the classic glasses, Steampunk goggles computer, and some others. (maybe sunglasses,too)

    One of the first things I would do, though, is make Liquid sight (my glasses && soothing eye drops). Then I could wear my goggles and see! It would be magnificent.

    I wonder how you find out your role? like, how did the Trolls know who was who? (X of Space is relatively easy, as you have the frogs world) Like, I want to know how ALternate Future Dave knew to make his Time Tables. I guess you ask your sprite?
    Me too. But hey, if we're going by chumHandles, then I would need something very strange because mine is musicalMechhead.

    But then there's my Trollhandle, cravingSteampunk... but that just makes sense for my dream world (Land of Gauges and Steam. haha it spells LoGaS. Hee hee low gas)

    But I think it would also be fitting for me to be the time player because I am in fact a Steampunk. I would make an awesome outfit to pull time shenanigans in. I've been working on a sprite, actually. (shh. it's base totally isn't Doc Scratch what are you talking about)

    But the weird thing about it is, I seem to be really good at making heads that look good bald. Why can't my creations have hair? If it doesn't work out to be me, it would be a very nice Guardian design, though!
    but also I feel like it would be time because the Random Land Generator just gave me time like four or five times in a row just now O.o
    Time! But I wouldn't mind something like Rhyme or Rage, or like void or dreams or some other nonsense.

    I'm pretty open, but Time is my first choice.
    heck yes pocketwatches!

    keeping with the pair theme, I would have two pocket watches (probably really large and floating at first like Dave's Timetables, but I would later try to find a way to get smaller, less inconvenient ones)

    I actually have a Pocket watch that runs backwards, and another that runs forwards.I would use one for backwards traveling and the other for going forward.It would be awesome!

    But I wouldn't mind not being the hero of time, mostly because I feel like I would screw up so many timelines. So many.

    Mostly because I'm musical, so Bard, and I suck a time (and the game enjoys challenging you), so time.

    I thought it fits.
    Hehe, thanks! It only took half a second to make, just cut it out of a page from the ole' 'Pokemon Adventures'. Togekiss' face was just too... something in that shot. I'm a little apprehensive of where I should check out next on the forums, do you have any suggestions? Where do you usually go?
    No, I saw my avvie there and did a re-draw, if that's what you were asking. STOP ACCUSING ME OF BEING A GODDAMN THIEF! Everybody is asking me that!
    About 80% normal, in reply to your question.
    ...Is going cross-eyed bad?

    Well, that's fine. I guess I won't have to subject everyone to too much horribly written Terezi! It's too bad you've been dying so often in all your mafias (that I've seen), though. I'd get frustrated if I died night one every time. (I'd also be sort of flattered, but I'm weird. It's just if I died night one it porbably means that I'm actually good enough to need to be killed! Or terrible enough that I need to be gotten rid of before I mess everything up.)
    Great! I've always wanted to try that sort of battle.

    ... Why a boat, though?

    (Also! I'm started on the mafia fanfic [more like scribbled out my ideas and an extremely rough draft of the beginning on paper], but I realized it would be much better if I knew and included all the out of thread relationships and alliances in some way. If you had any, could you PM me?)
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