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  • been here at TCoD since..... 4 hours ago? So I'm pretty close. Almost there! I'm a.... assistant baker in a donut shop while I get my political science degree. Next time I introduce myself, I'm going to say I'm a secret agent.
    Yeah I'm pretty active in DA Nexus and stuff like that. But I can't do major mods. Colouring and textures I can do though. Anyways, between my addiction to pokemon, bioware, puns and fire emblem, my free time is limited to:

    Working. School. And general cleanliness. Sometimes I play dragon age in the shower though as you can imagine, its doesn't work that well. I write fanfics as well but mine blow harder than tornadus.... so yeah. Thats me!
    Yeah I know what you mean, David Tennant was my first too. He taught me how to love. Man that boy gets around!

    Who's your fav character in the DA franchise?
    Are you are tenth or eleventh doctor fan. David Tennants wavy hair and cheerful demeanor makes me melt. And as a man, that says a lot. Or I guess not. Maybe I'm just a reTARDIS.
    What is anmie style battling? I watched the anmie well mostly to drool at Brock I had a strange crush on him till I turned 15. Tracey and Team Rocket where funny by puting Ash and Misty on the spot. I like certain pokemon and not others.
    Common-sense and I have... more of a passing acquaintance at best; I can sometimes be entirely dense and oblivious to the obvious, but I do try to listen when someone points out my mistakes. I just try to pass on the good advice I've seen around the 'net.
    Yes we will. I've never DM'd, and only have minor experience in D&D, but I'm still interested in doing it.

    Skype would be more convenient for real-time stuff, while a RP section thread could be used when people are too busy for a long session but not too busy to make a post on a thread.

    EDIT: By "doing it", I don't mean DMing(unless necessary), I mean doing a D&D session.
    I keep thinking that I've gotten better... then I break down and cry like I did.
    I can't say I was with my ex for a very long time. He was my first boyfriend. We were officially together for three months, though if you include a period before that we'd been seeing each other for six months. It was a high school relationship. How could I ever think it would last? How could I ever think I could defy the odds? I was deluding myself the entire time.

    I really want to thank you for your post, however. It made me feel better. :)
    Well I'm fairly sure that at least a couple more people will join soon-ish. They just need to actually look in your signature and see that.
    I'm interested in joining a TCoD D&D campaign, so I'm contacting you like you said to.
    Thank you for the hug.
    It's funny, recently I've been crying about him more than I did when he first broke up with me.
    I feel so pathetic about it. Everyone's expected me to move on, as if it's an easy process. It's not easy and nobody wants to help.
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