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  • That is essentially my story as well! Spirited Away is the first anime I can remember. ^^ That and pokemon.

    And yes of course I have seen it! What about "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind"?
    I am mainly addicted to movies, although there are a few series I'm rather fond of. I really love basically anything done by Studio Ghibli. I need to see more of their stuff, but my favorite so far is Spirited Away because I was pretty much raised with it.
    Those are seriously the awesomest movies. You will see them eventually, I am sure! ^_^

    Oh no, don't get me wrong! Not all anime is cheesy, only some of it is. Lots of anime is really amazing and engaging and I love it to death because of more than just the fact that it is anime! But some anime is really really cheesy and hilariously awful, and I love that to death anyway because it's anime. xP
    I am rather obsessed with Doctor Who, along with pretty much anything associated with Joss Whedon. I'm pretty much just a huge nerd. And anime makes me really happy for no good reason, even if it is super cheesy awful. :D
    Um... there's more, but I don't want to give you an exhaustive list of everything I like, so I think the last thing I'll say is that my three favorite movies (ranked equally) are Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and Kick-Ass.
    I keep seeing people who are into MLP and thinking "Wow, they look like they're having fun," but I myself have not managed to find time for it yet. :/ One of these days...

    Anyway, you seem cool too. I believe there is potential for an excellent friendship here. :)
    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the ponies thing, but I agree with you on everything else. :)

    that "she" is angry at me and my friend because her work...disappeared. One week ago.
    Today, she said "I'm going to kill you!" and my friend and I said "No you're not.". Then she said "You're right, because if I would, you would be already dead!"

    That sounded like you.
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