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  • Here's the main discussion thread for RSI 2012. There's a post on the page with links to 2007-2011 and the application itself. If you have any other questions I'm happy to answer them!
    No problem!

    You have to apply and it's pretty selective (about 5% get in), but you should definitely give it a shot :D The application is usually due in early January of your junior year in high school. I can point you to a handful of discussion threads about it if you're curious to see more about the application process.
    Science Olympiad is definitely good, choir is good too. Anything that you're passionate about is good, especially if it has to do with STEM. In the sense that all schools want to see that you're taking the hardest classes available, it would be better if you could take HL math, certainly. What I've actually ended up doing is taking SL math and doing extra calculus work on the side, so you just have to figure out what works for you.

    RSI is the best six weeks of your life (http://www.cee.org/research-science-institute)
    Hehe :)

    As far as applying goes, the application is actually not that bad. Mostly you're going to want to focus on getting good grades in school and doing as many math/sci related activities as you reasonably can. Research is great such as for a sci fair project or if you happen to live near a university and can work with a professor. IB helps, though only in the sense that you're expected to take the most challenging classes available to you - if you didn't go to a school offering IB, then it wouldn't matter, though in that case you might take classes at a local college or something. Also, you're a sophomore? If you're in the US or some number of other countries, you should look into the Research Science Institute next year for the summer before senior year.

    Good luck! If you have any more questions I'm happy to answer them :)
    Hmm, I'd be glad to have you try your hand! I can't really pay you too much though, because it seems that I'll only receive the equivalent of around $1 per person, but it should be alright.

    Take it. If you work hard and get a high score while taking many HL's (higher level, basically 2nd semester college), it's going to boost your chances. However, be sure to pursue something other than the diploma; maybe try furthering one of your talents? Because if you're going for MIT, then 9 out of every 10 applicants will be as academically rigourous. Also, if you're a sophomore, let's get rejected from MIT together! /highfive um yeah my dream school is MIT as well and gosh it's looking more and more unlikely that I go there every year.

    btw Newton got into MIT; Crazy Linoone got deferred to regular action and is awaiting decision.

    Out of curiosity, what does your current school offer, in terms of honours or special/unique courses?

    I'm fine but still feeling stressed. It's funny actually: I have some work. Doable, but hard work. I respond by panicking and procrastinating. That turns into more work and I panic more, and it goes on until the absolute last possible minute.
    What field did you get the medal in?
    TCoD was distracting me from schoolwork, and my mom suspects me of tacking to people online,which she doesn't tolerate,so.....
    Have you read the full version? If not, maybee that might bee it. Still, though, there can never bee enough bees.

    (Well, the nice thing abee-out bees is that you can bee-uy them whenever you want! I might get a beedrill, but I already have a combee and a vespiquen--I have a few signature things I could put on them. Firstly, a thing involving Novadea believing she's a legendary, and another involving sacrifice to bring about two combee. Perhaps a literal bee bee gun. My group hasn't really figured out what we're doing abee-out the judging, bee-ut I think we're getting somewhere. That's slightly logical. It's also why I'm probably going to bee targeting practice in the Math Contest.)

    Swords, of course! Although now that I've only halfway jokingly adopted knives, pointing that out would bee rather hypocritical. (If we ever have an ASBee bee-attle, then those will have to bee involved!) Speaking of Sokka's antics, The Cave Of Two Lovers and The Fortune Teller were amazing. ("Can your science explain how it rains?!" "Yes, yes it can!") Bees for everyone!


    I'm totally a legendary now! :D You should probably check out the Battle for Asber discussion.
    Blegh; I don't have particularly much work but I'm feeling pretty unmotivated.

    I hope it will; I need to prod Whirlpool. Mai's working on hers. I've got some of the appeals done.

    I'm familiar. The school I was supposed to go to before a whole mess of things was an IB school. Many of my friends are in the program. Reputedly, it's hard, but I don't know firsthand.

    How are things going for you? You seem cheerful.
    A bee-lade made of bees certainly would bee amazing, bee-ut I bee-lieve it would just bee bee-tter to use a bee bee gun.

    (The sad thing is that I will probee-a-bee-ly never get over the bees. ... I very intentionally put Novadea as one of my surviving pokemon in the Tales of TCoD RP. Unluckily bee-cause you do not get bees, but luckily bee-cause you get As. Thanks. Scaring the audience is the bee-st tactic! ... If we could have combined our forces, a crabee-hammer and attack order combee-nation would have bee-n amazing.)

    Oooh, that one was great too! I also loved The Headbee-and, as well as The Bee-ach. Although all the drama in there made me cringe, it really was well written and all the character development and aaah. <3 (We have defeated you for all time! You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation!) Maybee we can just give everything As and wait no that's not a good idea.

    Nothing has really happened, but tomorrow is my last midterm, so! :3 I gave up on finding time to ref a while ago, actually. I could never find the time or energy to do so.
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