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  • Ah right, I thought they were battles that needed e-refs, so I was looking in the wrong place. I'll pick one of them up for you later. Hope you had a good birthday.
    (No probee-lem, I could've bee-n clearer. Anyway, whenever that happens, I suppose we'll have to do something new with bees. Not like bees could ever get old.)

    Sort-of-kind-of, yeah. I mean, if I ref something of yours, it probably wouldn't bee much bee-tter than not having a referee, bee-cause I cycle things and it usually takes a month+ to get bee-ack to an older one. ... Would you want a female combee?
    (Actually, the match was pre-planned with bee-lazhy. Bee-ut we could have a bee match ourselves! After this one finishes, bee-cause my other open slot is reserved for vs. Omskivar.)

    Happy bee-irthday! Is there anything you would like? I... really should earn up the money to pay for the Daycare, so it'd have to be fairly cheap, but still!
    I'm cool :3 I have experience with lack of computer access myself *patpats*
    Blazhy says that it's no problem and that even if you had access to a computer, she'd understand.
    It's been good, I guess. This other forum has become more homely lately and.. :c

    I guess it's sapping my activity from here. Dx

    and i'm not even making an effort or
    Good luck! and thanks!

    I do, but I don't get distracted by external affairs anyways. No, it's more like failing to get other things done while listening to music.
    I'm... in no position to judge OTL look at your writing, then compare it to mine. You'll find that your writing skills drop just reading my reffings. But I'd be honored: go on and try Whirlpool and Mai when it's up.

    Yeah, I'm a sophomore; my dad wants me to graduate a year earlier, but I don't want to because I plan on taking enough AP courses to cut university for a year to save money. And yeah, my dad says that it would make me stand out if I were to graduate from school a year earlier. But I don't really think so.

    Go take HL, unless you have something else to do over the summer, or unless you're going to MIT's RSI. That will probably show MIT that you have the motivation.

    *sigh* Music distracts me almost more than the Internet.
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