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  • All right, so here's the 24-hour DQ warning for you versus blazheirio889, for real this time.
    Hey, this is a DQ warning for your battle with blazheirio889. Just letting you know.

    edit: never mind, there was a misunderstanding. Carry on.
    That sucks man. It's perfectly fine; let everything just sort itself out.

    (Okay! good luck, I guess)
    Yeah, I understand. I'm on spring break right now, but apparently we have our Spanish exam as soon as we get back or something. Summer will be a time of happiness, I say. And so do I, but I'm honestly just too lazy.

    (bleh. Same, but there's a couple sites that require no downloadin and are perfectly safe. They just don't have all the functions that MSN would have, but they have chatting)
    Come to the dark siiiide Or not! :p So what's been up?

    (You should get it if you can!)
    "Refs have left battles sit there for months and the battlers were okay with it! Mostly."
    bulbasaur says that he's guilty of this, too. So I guess that makes three of us!
    (That makes two of us. x.x We're lucky that TCoD seems like a relatively patient bunch.)

    That generally happens here. Final projects, worth up to 30% of your mark... It's not fun. And the stress is ughh. D: I wish they'd pass some rule about not having a bajillion projects going on at once because the stress does bad things - like damaging relationships (your relationship with Silver was a while ago iirc, but I still feel like I should say I'm sorry about what happened). You guys don't get many days off at all. o.o We still have two more PA days or so.

    (Hm, I might search up how the entire event works, but then again I might not because I doubt I'd participate in it. :P You've only seen me in ASB, I presume. I'm good at strategizing but I'm terrible with math and physics and other logic-based things. I'm okay with biology and chemistry but there are a lot of people I know who are way better than me, so I probably wouldn't be able to get on a good team.)

    (No problem, I'll go message him right now.)
    (haha, no worries. Refs have let battles sit there for months and the battlers were okay with it! Mostly.)

    I should be able to get them in within three days or so. I've just been marathoning this one project the entire weekend OTL Also not even any PA days? D: That's terrible. How many weeks of break did you have?

    (Oh, so you got third? I'd probably join a team if it meant going to Florida, but I'd probably drag them down, haha. Good luck next year!)
    No problem. Sorry for all the constant poking xD; And yes, that clears it up. That's exactly what I needed. It still may be a few days yet until I can actually command, so sorry about that. Also wow, your spring break is pretty late o.o Mine finished two weeks ago.

    (Aw. Do the top 3 go on to nationals? If so, so close. D: But 4th is good too, so good job!)
    Dunno if you saw my previous message? :x

    Also to clarify that thing about speed, would Larvitar be at 27 or 28 speed? Because idk if you were talking about rounding down the actual speed or rounding down what you'd take off of the base speed, haha.
    Alright, thanks. Also sorry for prodding you again, but I asked this in the battle thread: how do you handle stat changes when calculating damage?

    Good luck with school and Science Olympiad, by the way.
    Hey, dunno if you missed it, but could you answer my last question? It's pretty important.

    (and if you saw and were too busy to answer sorry for the unnecessary poke)
    If you could give commands for your battle against blazheirio889, it would be great.
    Hm, do you round up or down? More specifically, if Larvitar gets knocked down to -2 speed, then will it be at 27 or 28 base speed?
    Hey dude, I know you're busy, but I'm just posting a small reminder about this battle.
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