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    (Oh I know lots of his secrets like how he's psychic in some ways. I dunno Tobias (Scrafty) is an incredible powerhouse I think he just wants to like beat him in some way because of his parkour and stuff. Tobias likes me at least *shrug*)
    ... Dewott are so adorable :3

    (He stares. He judges. Then dislikes >-> he's suspicious of Markku but kinda like him but distrusts him. He's really mean to him sometimes, like coming out of no where D: )

    ... Gengar? (just Luke.)

    (get bread and put steak favouring on it? and actually he has it out for everyone mostly. though my Scrafty has a weird feeling about like person and I don't know why >->;; )

    Oh yeah and sorry for not replying sooner I haven't really been feeling too well..
    Yeah, I'm just glad I'm not a freshman anymore; but I'm still only a sophomore...

    Also, I'm going to sleep now, got guard practice at eight in the morning :c
    Nope, I just was on another page a lot CX I'm on now though!

    I've been pretty good, but busy. I'm so sore from color guard! D:
    Ooh, sounds good. :3 I start school next month D:

    Well, things have been going mostly great except for the fact that I unfortunately lost a friend of mine.
    Not uh they can do that at will. (Nuu I like Luke.)

    (... you could give him steak. NO he likes Twix.)
    Send in a ghost they can be invisible. (... mm, Luke.)

    (Don't worry it's just smokeee. My ghosts don't try and eat me they like me. Especially my Banette :3)
    Gogogooooo. (better.)

    (I feed mine wisps of smoke he doesn't seem to mind it. oh, and starburst he likes those.)
    What about an otter? (Jeremy >:c)

    (well he likes me. most ghost pokemon do, actually)
    I don't like fish... only vaporeon is a fish like thing that I'll accept :c (no it's actually a wolf you know those little animal hats they make)

    (... but he's friendly.)
    No, wolf :c BUY ONE FOR ME BLADE (>^-^)> (it sounds fancy and I asked Markku to name his hat that)

    (well dragons are magical it makes sense. a candle turns into a chandelier)
    But I want one of my own D: I would name him Jeremy Alexander.

    (Milotic could fly if it wanted it has huge... ear thingys)
    Well I live in America so you see the trouble there.

    (WAIT I KNOW THIS ONE... feebas)
    I think i'd want something who cared about their owner too... dogs are okay but no feral >:3

    (... the circle of life.)
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