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  • Great. A pipeline exploded the 23rd, like at 10:30, and since two schools (mine and another one) and quite a bit of house complexes didn't have any water, they shut down both schools for the day. Then on the 24th people were anxious with the doubt if their was going to be school the next day. Sure enough, there isn't because the pipe exploded again and it filled the big hole they drilled. Right now over here it's one 1:30 AM. In Facebook, most of us eighth graders are praising the pipe and its noble act.
    I probably won't be on very often at all .-. I won't be getting my phone back for a while soo... yeah.
    Yeah, it's open and worse than ever. In my linear-based system back West, I could basically take every other school day off from homework. No such luck here.

    Reach for the Triangular Base? Restrain The Bear? Read The Bible? Regards To a Brother?
    I got stuck at the library until my mom came. I mean I like the library but that sucked.
    Here, school's not even open :P

    Oh, an IB exclusive class.

    Thank you!

    I have no idea... Raleigh Tabatha Brown? Really Tall Building? Randomly Terrified Bulldog? Run! Tornado! Basement! ?
    It's still August, and you've already got lots of work?

    ... what course is that from?

    :P things are a mess, but w/e I'll get it sorted out.

    Yeah, it's there... wait... it's named "RTB parts & service", oops.

    Hmm, well, good luck! I hear it's quite rewarding if you follow through. Me, I'm contemplating just skipping the grade 11 year, but first am going to ask if I could study at a university for a semester and at high school for a semester. I just moved across the country, and am unfamiliar with how schools work here, but eh. I'll manage.

    Oh and also right across our new house is a auto shop that's named "RTB mechanics" :P
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