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  • :D Thanks, Cirrus! Oh my god, that was the most tedious exam of my life. I think I spent more time staring at my paper agonizing over the fact that I had to write that next essay, or next paragraph, or next sentence, than I spent actually writing.
    Cirrus thanks, too!! :o Cirrus right we are I read the rest of that GQ UK blog it was short but nice!! :o I feel better for having the things even if the ones I've liked from the list are a bit small! ^o.o^
    Cirrus oops sorry. Cirrus also sorry for not responding until late?! Cirrus I hadn't yet when I said that!! :o Bug was like "Have you hear about the new Miyazaki movie?" "I don't know, what it is?" "It's about really tiny people called borrowers!" "Oh, I guess I don't know about that..." "Here, I'll show you the trailer, it's called Arrietty." And then I remembered that you mention Arrietty sometimes!! :o And then I watched the trailer with Bug and it was cute and then she gave me the .avi of it and I thought it would be in English but then it was the Japanese but I'd wanted to watch the Japanese version anyway so that's fine. Cirrus not that you need the VM now when I'm talking in #tcod but.
    Good morning! :c?

    ... The Pant Devil just stole my second Everlasting Crystal Apple Stamp. :ccc
    Look, I accepted it in time! Thanks! I wanted to give you a Fleaf Plushie because you want one, right. But it said your inventory is full :(
    It's okay! :D It's just nice to speak once in a while. I just assumed you'd gone away from the keyboard and left yourself logged in. :-)
    Hi, Cirrus! Thanks for the almost-Salt Mote :o I guess it expired or something because I haven't been on Neopets for ages and maybe you don't even remember sending it, but.
    ! Cirrus that's great yay!!! :o Cirrus are you having tons of fun being Skitty maybe you can get way farther this time! ^o.o^

    Also here's a blu doing some work!! With a giant pencil, apparently. It has a fluffy pink cloud as a desk chair!! :o

    Maybe it will help maybe you'll want to be like the blu and write things!!!
    Cirrus hi!! Cirrus I was wondering!! :c *hugs!!* And maybe you should if being on IRC could help you feel any better! Maybe it could help!! Sometimes talking to people can help you focus and feel like there's real things to do instead of getting lost in moping and sads!! Sometimes the people could even help maybe we could both do work and report back that could be good, right!!

    I'm okay!!!!! A bit mope-y also but not as much I've been doing lots of things I wrote a thousand words yesterday!! And also I started on the TCG plugin!!!!!!! You can see how it's going next time you're on that would be exciting, right!!
    They're nice blus, right!! :3

    ! You responded exactly twelve hours later from the last blu :o
    Cirrus here!! More spam for your page.

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