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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • ... Lol wut

    Who, me? Well, um, I use Chrome on my computer, but I hardly get on my computer... I usually get on the Internet with my iPod Touch because my brothers hog the computer, so yeah. ._.

    Why do you ask?

    hmm... I'm not sure I want to give up the entirety of the shop (mostly because I like extra money), despite the fact I'm turbo lazy myself.

    How about a partnership? Is that even a thing we could do?
    I really don't think a cubone is any more sad than a human. I've been inside some human minds, and they were so depressing I couldn't even eat anything before getting out of there. Terrible.

    And why would you lose any of that if you were a pokemon?
    Oh, well it's just poop of digested human thoughts. Since that's what I eat. So it's only stuff they've already thought.
    I'm a very cheap pokemon. I pilfer food from dreams and I poo there too. :D You're welcome!!
    Well, sure, but pokemon are much smarter than humans and know better than that. Instead we - er, well I shouldn't speak of that.

    I don't need TV reception, I just pilfer your dreams and watch from there.
    Sorry for the late reply. :P

    I'm not sure. I just... he just seems like a jerk. And
    The world should not be dominated by any one species, I think this is a given. Humans are too self-obsessed to see this.

    Oh, the war is going on, child. Take my word for it. You are just shielded from it... The humans do not want the mass populace to know about it. 'There is no war in Ba Sing Se', as the saying goes.
    You're looking at it all wrong, which is a standard trait for your species so I'm not surprised.

    overpopulation leads to animal extinction; there is your love for war, which seems never-ending; there is sexism, racism, ableism, ageism, cissexism, endless isms because humans need to judge and hate and war; and your government is built for psychopathy!!
    That is a terrible human. Why is it doing that. That is a terrible waste of time and effort and I now desire to eat its flesh. >| why doesn't it just float and float those burning sticks this is a terrible thing.
    I just don't believe that at all. You are a failed species. Evolve back to quadrupeds please, or learn to float. :I
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