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  • Force Unleashed was a good game, II wasn't as good, but it was still fun to buttonmashlightsaberflipweeee.

    ^Entire game.
    The lego games are great. I haven't had a chance to play Knights of the Old Republic yet, I'm getting there though.
    Perhaps we can! >:3c
    Come, America, and we shall see his face!
    *bounces out of room after Ulqi at a distance*
    *throws clothes at Ulqi*
    There. Take those.

    . . .
    There are cats on them. .____.;

    That's all I can help with. Now begone.

    If he gets angry at me about them, I'll send him straight to the source for my own sake.
    *walks back out*
    You... You have any clothes that could pass as PJs in that closet of yours, Marik? I mean, I'm not expecting that much, considering you're a short person, and Germany's tall and stuf—

    What? I am not short! >~<

    The point is, you're shorter than Germany.

    ... Well, I might have something...
    *bounces over to SUPER MEGA WARDROBE LOLZ*
    But Marik is a clueless child
    Therefore he is very clueless, obviously

    *opens mouth to speak*

    *is a very disruptive little person, apparently, and barges into the room rather tactlessly*
    :L Marik, I've got a problem for you to fix.

    *looks over at her*
    What is it?
    I don't believe so. But it would've been even better if ancient Egyptian laser beams were in it, like when I beat Fluffy!
    That's a good question. >_> It calls for special attention!


    *talking to America*
    And that's how I totally beat Bakura's butt at a game of chess! >:3c
    I just realized
    that the wardrobe is an epic headcanon
    However I will make Germany suffer
    With kitty-printed pajama pants, mwahahaha >:D

    Well... Um... Just a moment, I'm sure Marik has some clothes you could borrow.
    *walks out of room*
    I suppose this calls for Marik's endless wardrobe

    *comes back out sometime later in PJs and what not*
    ... You, uh... I guess you need stuff to sleep in, huh...?
    Oh okay I see
    I will also go and find this guitar playing you speak of

    So, um. I'm... gonna... change. And. stuff.
    *quickly picks clothes from drawers before locking herself into the ever convinient bathroooooooooom~ (that's a fun word)*
    Maybe it's something that deserves to be amended, mmm?

    *runs off to lecture on the Force*
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