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  • I'm trying not to burst out laughing in the middle of the exam centre as I scroll through my Mayaya posts. It's hard.

    Perhaps I should be studying for my philosophy test instead.

    You must fight with courage and valour as in the battle of the Red Cliffs!
    Hello, Cirrus! I finished all of the manga earlier. Now I'm sad. :( You should grace me with your wonderful company :o
    I can't send you a Swapnote because we're not mutual friends or something I guess. >:(

    Maybe I'll play Investigations because I didn't replay that one on my last replay! But I find AAI kind of difficult to get through. :c Also :c at least there are things that can cheer you up, right! :c

    I want to rewatch Madoka! It's been a couple of months since I rewatched it last so maybe I'm allowed. Maybe we could rewatch Madoka together :o
    I played the first three games recently! I think I finished last week! Except I didn't play 3-3 because it was boring. Well it's not my school organizing the screening (obviously), just lots of things happen at my school because it's in Toronto and it's big. I guess. Pretty much all I know about the film is that everyone falls out of their seats after Phoenix says something stupid once. I think. I saw a gif.

    This is pretty. Just thought you wanted to know.
    Cirrus the Ace Attorney movie is screening at my school tomorrow and I'm going!! Sorry I need to share my excitement about this with everyone.

    My mark is most likely in the seventies >:( Maybe! Probably there was only like one person who somehow got the last question so maybe they'll decide to make it count for less. But I don't know if universities even do that. :oo Here are some mouths for you.
    I will send you my autograph on Swapnote. :o Sorry you had a bad week! :c Hopefully next week will be better! Have fun with opal!

    I maybe had a good week! But I did badly on one of my midterms and I'm angry because it ruined my nice little streak of doing well on everything. I even wore my friend's tiara to the midterm for good luck but nope. Now I'm waiting anxiously for the marks to be posted.
    Yes sorry, I was going to text you about it, it's on the coffee table downstairs, wanting to be sent back to you. I'll post it this week, hopefully today. I haven't seen Filip's DS case around, but I'll keep an eye out. Thank you for the birthday wishes, I had a wonderful day :)
    re: nats - you guys know you can request something like that whenever, right? sketches like that are pretty easy to do when I'm at uni because they don't take long but it still keeps me in the habit. :3 I am glad you liked them though!
    Cirrus it's okay maybe you'll manage it someday!!!!! Cirrus you could write a program to respond to PMs that's a good idea, right. Cirrus um oops I meant to reply to the VMs, too!!! Somehow writing a huge PM is easier than replying to a small VM? ?_?

    Cirrus was that fun did you manage to move everything!!! :o

    Cirrus Qwill's good he found a really really good string he loves it lots and lots and lots and lots and lots!!! Cirrus it's kind of like a thinner shoe-lace?? It doesn't have aglets. But it's all bouncy and springy and elasticy! Maybe bouncier than a shoe lace. Cirrus if he's crying just give him the string and he'll be happy for ages. Cirrus Bug is good too she went to the fair yesterday and got to hold a puppy and get home-made root beer! :o She told me that. She said I totally missed out.

    Cirrus ! Could water drowning be good drowning maybe if you just feel like you're drowning but actually you have gills????? So then it feels weird for a little while but you figure it out and then it's exciting to be in the water. Cirrus that makes sense, right. Cirrus !!!!! Did you manage moving and packing and fetching with your things, too!!!!! :o Cirrus maybe the mail will still be a surprise sometime!!!!!

    *hugs, too!!!!!* Cirrus you deserved one, too!! Cirrus, I fixed the missing thing with school it was exciting! ^o.o^ Cirrus I called Grandpa and he came here and helped me and we set up an appointment with someone at the school!!! Then Dad canceled the appointment. >:( But it was because we found a thing we needed to fill out! But, then, when we brought it to the school, it turned out we needed to fill out *another* thing and have it signed by a notory, plus, we needed to prove I existed so the notory would do it. Cirrus but it turned out I definitely didn't exist at all because we couldn't prove it? ?_? Cirrus we went to the notory because the people at the outreach building said if the notory knew Dad maybe they could sign it anyway as a favour! (I think that's allowed because the notory would know Dad exists and a bunch of stuff about his bank and whatever?? I don't know.) But nope it was a different notory. Cirrus we had to go and dig out my birth certificate we dug up everything at the trailer to find it it was in a container with some old pictures instead of in the file box where it was supposed to be. >:( Cirrus by the time we found it everything related to proving I existed was closed so we had to go home. Cirrus then the next day we went to the DMV and I filled out a thing!!! Cirrus then we had a really hard time proving to the DMV that I existed so we could get a state ID. Dad had a gas bill that mysteriously had my name on it (apparently you can include your kids on a gas bill if you want? Maybe? I don't know, I didn't understand the gas bill.) and the guy decided he'd accept that! ^o.o^ Cirrus so now I have a temporary state ID and I'll get the hard copy in a month!!! ^o.o^ Cirrus that means I exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cirrus, plus, Dad got me a rules of the road book and I'm supposed to study it so I can get a learner's permit! ^o.o^ By then, the gas bill and the state ID won't be good enough to prove I exist enough to get a permit, the guy said so. >:( So I'm not sure what we'll do. Cirrus I know a few things about driving now!!! Dad accidentally got motorcycle rules of the road. >:( So I had to download a pdf of the cars one. Cirrus, I know that in fog and rain and some other condition you have to use low beam headlights! The high beams will go all reflecty in the watery stuff with fog and rain and blind you. All other times, you have to use high beam headlights!! :o Cirrus that's a good thing to remember, right!

    Cirrus also right I was totally planning it you dashed my hopes. >:((

    Cirrus tomorrow I take a placement test for classes and on the day after that I get to talk to an advisor to pick classes!!!!!!!!! :o I'm tentatively excited even though I'm really confused about what classes I'll be able to take or need to take so maybe I'll end up with super-boring ones and be bored senseless all year. Cirrus that's likely, right.

    Cirrus anyway I'm okay just kind of bored waiting for class stuff!!!!! I want way more things to do summer is the boringest thing why is it allowed to exist. Well I guess some people need it.

    Cirrus how are you too how soon do you go to Japan have a super-good time when you do!!!!! ^o.o^!
    Cirrus hi!! Cirrus is it okay to suddenly write ten thousand words. Cirrus I started at like nine pm and also took a long break for a snack if I could write that much during NaNoWriMo even once a day I could have a ~300,000 word book why can't I do that.
    !! Cirrus cute plushies!!! ^o.o^

    Cirrus yay, yay, yay about the fix!!!!! Cirrus I did want to know about a fix and plushies hooray hooray!!! ^o.o^ Cirrus it's okay!! Cirrus are good things happening in the off-irc time!! Cirrus I saw you finished Japanese the Manga Way was it really good!!!! :o

    Also, sorry for a late answer back!!! It took me a while to see that this VM existed and then there was a stressful thing!! But now you can have an answer!!

    Cirrus, also, here's a picture!! It's a Swablu getting into trouble by tipping over the cookie jar and eating the cookies.

    Thanks, Cirrus the opaltiger :o Neopets gave me the birthday layout for a day! It looks kind of weird.
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