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  • (also DotP was fun... I don't know how many iterations of it I've been in, maybe just the last one?)
    You never seemed pretentious to me! I mean, yes, our old selves tend to bring up embarrassment whenever possible, and ego is usually a large part of that (at least for me), but? TCoD has tolerated us for so-and-so many years, at least.

    TCoD is the only place I've ever RPed, haha... it is full of shame, yes, but also some nice nostalgia.
    yeah. have had those problems on both feet. not that surgery is a thing I recommend in general but if you just can't manage to keep it away, it is reasonably straightforward, simple, and routine.

    uh they gave me opiates just in case but by the time the local anaesthetic wore off it was like. fine. loose toenail problems but those aren't really a huge deal.
    "aaaaaa ingrown toenail aaaaa

    someone remove my foot this is agony"

    ah yes

    those problems

    ... well! it is a very simple surgery if necessary at least!

    which toe
    Yeah! Of course you can! Having a tank pokemorph adds a bit of spice to the mix anyway. :D Go all out!
    pfff same

    for what it's worth I'm looking and lurking aside from mafia and some ASB discussion

    I only really post in the ORAS thread because Hoenn !!! :V

    I still like the theory I had during Amityville. Like how she's actually not a child of darkness, but a child of light. Just sayin'
    Yes, Eris will simply hover above Nick while he sleeps like "MMMMMM"

    And when she tries to eat his dreams, she can meet Shade within his own realm. And she'll be able to CONVERSE with him. And he'll be all classy.

    Isn't your roommate's demon friend the best?
    I'm very good at that!

    But yes, Vidal is now the first person to be yelled at by the teachers. He's following in Malin's footsteps without even meaning to! Damn golden brat...
    Oh, what a terrible turn of events!

    I'm truly sorry to have given Eris inspiration. Truly, I am. :]
    You're sick?! Oh, dear me. This will not do. I'm afraid I have to get the Magic School Bus so I can shrink down and fight the infection one-on-one.

    It'll probably only hurt a little.
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