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    It would work, I suppose. It might bring a bit of hate along with it, but nothing that we couldn't handle. I think if at all possible, it would be wise to try and get two or three good ideas starting at the same time. But, yes, I suppose that could do something good for us.

    I still really want an Amityville type thing. Only problem is that I don't want to revive an RP that wasn't mine. But Amityville is SUCH A DAMN PERFECT PLACE/NAME AND ASDFGHJKL. But I want it to be at least a bit original. =/
    heeeey stormy wassuuuuuuup

    Still rocking the (slightly really awesome) avatar. Nice.

    OH YOU KNOW, JUST SITTING HERE IN EXCESSIVE BOREDOM BECAUSE I HAVE NO JOB AND NOBODY WANTS TO GIVE ME ONE. The RP section is killing me right now. Tis dead to a painful extent. I've actually started watching some anime lately. Always told myself "I have no interest in Naruto, for it is uninteresting to me," but here I am 114 episodes in. Also some drawing. Some of that has happened recently as well.

    It has! Ah, the wonderful disease of friendship. It really is sad, though :( I guess the only solution is to post, but...

    Yeah... it's been forever since I've RPed. Gotten nervous about it, honestly. ~Writing is scary~ and all.

    It is! ... Don't Hug Me I'm In Despair is the Dangan Ronpa version, have you only watched that

    (it's a great version yeah but)
    Only relatively doesn't make it not terrible :( In any case.

    You can get through this! And at least you know how to not set the same things up for yourself later, right? Of course it wasn't fun to go through, but you're going through and dealing with it now and that's really important. I've never had an anxiety attack, but something like Motivationstuck or just something simple like watching goats scream like humans miiight be able to help before it starts/help you recover later? The goats thing is just kind of general, but.

    When are your exams, exactly? For that there's really no help except empathy, though, sorry :(

    but you must

    ~believe in yourself~, Storm! Yes, you have to make an effort. It's worth it, and mandatory >|||

    Oh :( What kind of issues? Obviously you shouldn't be afraid of noting that, and I can vouch for me being all ears, but it's easier to say these sort of things than to actually. Take people's word on it and do that.
    What no of course you are

    Your writing is amazing aaa I can't write well at all, and you just seem to kind of??? Handle things well??? Like I don't know how to explain it but I'm always kind of disorganized and you can probably see it easily, but you always seem like you know what you're doing? And you're just easy to look up to in general, personality-wise and everything

    you're always really nice and you just seem really mature! Even when you don't always have things together, it's just

    yes hello

    I am forced lurking because I want to get something together for my 2,612th post? But I don't know what that something is so is kind of hard to do it
    Oh :( What kind of sick is it? The only really universal solution to sick is sleep, and if you're tired then you probably should--but uncan help other than that, sorry
    I just misread stomachache as stormache

    I thought you should know??? Are you aching right now
    I got KH365/2 days, a cute puppy calender (;3), hot pink Hello Kitty slippers (that i openned on xmas eve XD i love them~<3), some lacy black footless tights (^^), a duplicate hello kitty coloring book (XD), and, a box of crayons.

    The video game and my slippers are what I like best so far. :3 Well I also wanna try on the footless tights sometime after a bath, though. I might wear them with my super cute light pink flower accented jumper dress^^ I love that dress, I always miss wearing it after awile, its just the cutest things ever >w<;; And it's not even lolita XD How can something thats not even a sweet lolita dress be just soo adorbs lol. Awww~<3

    Jirachu haz returned ta tcod today! YES! XD makes up for not having epic dreams about my aim pals; katie and pikakirby; last night......>.<;;

    ....Or even that old hoenn rp from this favorite forum of ours that got deleted. :/ Ho-hum. Maybe theres still time to have epic dreams if I scoot back to bed soon XD But I might as well post with the tcod gang a little first lol
    Okay ^_^

    Hows your Christmas holiday so far? ^_^ (i wanna know your gifts too x3 merry christmas~^^)
    Basically my response to all this is LET ME LOVE YOU. I'm flattered beyond words, and I just hnnngh thank you so much.
    Oh gosh. I am just entirely too flattered. I had a minor freakout (a good one) when I read your message because I never thought I'd run into someone who reads my crap outside of the places I post it -- and on a pokemon forum, no less!
    gosh I just
    thank you so much. ;3;
    screams and cries in the corner
    because yes, re:GENESIS is my somewhat-deformed ficbaby and my NaNoWriMo project and

    I maaaaay have a freak out of my own in the corner, because I love anyone who reads it let me love you
    I can't answer that at the moment but please feel free to get involved on the deviantArt group as it builds up. :D Good to have you back
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