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  • Well, fleshing out is mostly done. Both characters are just basically revivals of different RP chars I've had. But... It's so hard. ;-;

    BTW, I'm drawing Eris. She's inproportionate and since you didn't have a lot of description on her clothes or hair, I'm just winging it to go for "dark and creepy."
    Oi. I'm thinking of changing my character for whenever Amityville pops up [/whatif-inator]

    I love my Shade thing, but my character I was thinking of changing it to would be way too happy. If I use the Shade again, I want it to have a bigger affect on my character, and have a darker kid to play with. Or at least mentally unstable in some way.

    Basically, I'm asking for your advice on this. I wanna be two characters really bad but nyaaaaaaaaaaaah ;-; Which one should I pick?
    I was going to probably draw Eris anyway. :p

    Yeah, actually, now that I think of it, there aren't any RPs right now that are actually lively. They're either dead or being made. I decided that RPs come in waves, and we have periods where the RP forum is like OHMAHGAWDADDDJSAHGL and then times like this where absolutely nothing happens.
    Everybody was more obnoxious back then. We just didn't notice because we've all become less obnoxious together.

    Yeah, there are a couple that seem kind of interesting, but right now there's not a whole lot going on there.
    Yeah, Eris was hysterical. In a very short time, I got many laughs out of her. Or maybe I should say people near her, BUT SAME THING. The more I read it, the more I like her. And I've been reading it a lot. (I'm very bored right now. I even had time to redraw my character despite that there's no garuntee the RP will be brought back. I even drew the combat instructor. Now I'm using it against Thorne to see if it gives some inspiration. woot.)
    Well, any excuse will do, but res probably has an excuse to disown me now.

    Unless you deny that disown before it's too late!
    have you ever been disowned? because disown. please accept this offering. thank you.

    a transcript of this exchange will be recorded for posterity.
    Hey, do you have anything in particular you want to do with your first post in A:CC? We've been talking in the Madoka cbox, but we haven't really done anything.
    I had not noticed the date on the first couple posts, there had been more recent ones and I assumed it may have been active. Sorry.
    This would probably be a good idea, yes. Appearance, names, (probably gender) and element. I would think, anyway.
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