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  • Well, Synergy is sort of like a "THESE PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT AND THEY WORK TOGETHER" team thing but Unity is everyone is all the same they work together yay. (Also it makes me think of Amity Park in Sinnoh but that's not the point.) Also calling it Team Synergy is sort of off-sounding though; maybe a gang or a band or an assembly or a squad or maybe a thing.

    Unless you wanted to make it sound like everyone was the same, in which case.

    (If it's the Dreamers in DotP, though, Synergy Lineup all the way! Also it would amuse because Diamond is not a team player. I'm thinking she was bribed into the deal.)

    Well, I asked about it...! And it's still cool.

    I understood, though. No reason to be sorry!
    ... Oh. I'd ask for details, but does he want info on this getting out?

    Well, my first thought between Synergy and Unity was a personality-type thing that would influence things in an untold way in the RP. But.

    (It's fun for you, sure.)
    Pretty much.

    It's also a bit intimidating, honestly. >_<;; I'm not having a large amount of trouble following it or anything, but I'm sort of worried I won't learn anything and in the end I'll just. Have accomplished nothing. I'll have to be stricter in my prodding, then! I tend to need prodding to much of anything, too... so far I've done more than nothing, but not quite anything of note!
    Finally, someone agrees with me that Kratos is scary and intimidating. ;~; People try to say that they aren't, but they're lying!

    Making you blush seems to be my job now :o! But that's fine, right? It'll wear off eventually. Also, take as long as you need! It's not like I'd be able to GM... ever... so I don't really have a base to complain on. (Also, I'm working on one of the things I told myself I was going to do over the summer now! I'm learning Python.)
    I guess I could poke around and see what tumblr's like, then? I'd probably end up using tumblr like that, honestly; I'm not sure what the point of getting a tumblr would be if I only reblogged things everyone's seen before, but.

    Quality over quantity! From what I remembered, your posts were always awesome and more than large enough to justify the wait--you responded to the things that mattered! Your characters were alway entertaining and interesting to interact with. And nostalgia is fine! You still made new characters and carried things out differently, at least from what I saw. You're welcome <3
    'Kay, then.

    :[ But you're a great roleplayer! I have no idea how to quantify "best", but yes, you are one of the best and you deserve some self esteem and confidence. As for a GM, I've joined... two of your RPs? They sounded entertaining, at the very least; the main problem is keeping them from dying.

    Well, Kindling Queen sort of exists as Greaser Lala? I unexisted back then, though, so I can't really help.

    Pfft, well, if you say so. And on the whole speaking thing, that's pretty much a constant thing! Sometimes I get terrified of doing the stupidest things... like sending friend requests, or thinking about talking to people off the site, or anything.

    On that thought, you apparently have a tumblr! I've been considering making one, but... is it worth it? I have a tendency to just abandon things, and I have no idea what I would say on one--from what it looks like, tumblr is just a thing that you get. You then either get sucked into it or not, and... yeah. ?_? I also have no idea what I would use for the name! So.
    Should we talk to Arylett about it? I never spoke to her about much outside of TCoD, so...

    Sandboxes are fun while they last, but they do tend to die. :( Railroading isn't always necessary in a sandbox? But.

    Yeah, the city just sort of crashed and burned after that. It is! I still have episodes to watch, too, so it might be a while before I actually track down the novellas.

    Giddy and elated is fine! If it's a year away, though, that must be annoying. :[ But I guess it's not any longer than you've already gone...? And also Mai is the worst at speaking things in general but in any case that sounds great! I hope you two have fun together when you both actually meet.
    It would. :D Copy/pasted from a VM conversation with Skyman (and spoilered because... well, it was originally):
    Of course! I have no idea what we'd do for the plot, though--could just DotP with little preparation, buuut then it might die. Yeah, but mine could never be really redeemable; the concept was awful.

    ASOIAF is amazing. I love everyone. Dany, Tyrion, Jon (
    ), Arya, Jaime, Varys... except Cersei but everyone hates her right. Cersei you totally deserved everything bad that happened to you. Oh, and I love Brienne! I used to think her chapters were boring (along with Catelyn's >_> I never warmed up to her), but now she's one of my favorites. I've read all the main books, but haven't tracked down the Dunk & Egg novellas yet; I suppose I could just order them online or etc., but I'd rather get the actual things from a bookstore or a library or something and that's... not been happening. They don't seem to exist.

    Moirail? Do you have any actual plans? I don't think I'll ever work up the guts to actually meet someone I met online (scary! I'm pretty awkward offline and might end up making whoever I see hate me forever so yeah). That's a usual goal, but not a bad one.
    Apparently, Skyman's talking to Arylett about restarting Sanctic! Or the other way around. I don't really remember.

    ... But we really should get everyone back together. Looking back on the sign-ups... who actually still exists? Otherwise I'll just sit here and not roleplay and let my writing skills die because fanfic would be embarrassing. (Embarrassing as in, if I had to write some sort of Pokemon fanfic, I would write a terrible revised version of years-old terrible fanfiction.)

    Things are good! Summer exists, Homestuck and Madoka Magica take up a large part of my day (although I've gotten around to watching the Game Of Thrones show in addition to reading the books! Exciting!), I've been planning to do things but haven't really managed it.

    ... The not doing things is a problem, but. I know what I want to do, that's a step in itself, right?
    'I walk on my toes but that's because of having short tendons in my feet or something.'
    which applies to a lot of people on the spectrum, so ...
    Happy birthday, Storm! I... would have done something for it, maybe actually post the character sign-up for Brave, but the RP appears to be dead. Oops. >_<;;
    As an aside form of feedback, I admit that I'm not sure whether or not retrying the EXP system would be a good idea for your next take on DotP (no, not saying this from stalking your conversations; what gave you that idea?) I got the impression that trying to manage EXP distribution for all of us ended up killing the RP (certainly I feel that's what eventually caused Sanctic to die out), and I would like this installment of the RP to last a little longer (and I also would have liked to use Isei and Prektaan in DotP; the fact that I never got to use the two together was something I did regret a bit about the last incarnation of the RP)

    But that's just my random input.
    Getting pestered is the only way I can get things done!

    ... And I'll go finish my character form now for Brave. I swear. (I am very good at not getting things done, yes.)

    And you Madoka'd too! :D Just finished it a few days ago and so beautiful aaah.
    All I can remember is
    , but I just need to get back to that. I really do.
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