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  • Well, I'm glad you like it. If we're lucky, it'll stay afloat long enough for DotP to come back, so I can re-re-use Isei!

    Though in all serious, I've missed it too. That's why I made Brave New World in the first place - to make sure I didn't completely lose interest in tCoD, which might very well had happened.
    Aw, thanks Stormy. :3 I feel all warm and fuzzy now. Mainly, my feet. Don't worry, I was just having a bad day.

    I've been meh in recent weeks. Trying to simultaneously cure my sleep deprivation and get my parents to stop bugging me about my computer addiction/mediocre academic performance.

    How did I slip into this.
    *sound of Eurythmics lyrics being dropped*
    Subtle user title ref, actually.

    How have you been, stormy one?
    I was really looking for a Badass Normal kind of thing.
    Like, if you're walking down the streen and someone asks your name or something (why would that even happen?) they wouldn't look at you funny.
    Also, with a potential that if you turn your head and squint a little, it can be somewhat awesome. (Like Jake English)
    And maybe a little musical reference or two inside?
    You seem like the you're good with coming up with character names.

    I have serious problems with naming characters in RPs, and I'm currently stuck. Can you help me?
    *Return Poke* Eh, pretty much the same. RPs getting popular, then dying off unexpectedly for no reason whatsoever. Seems even slower since the school year picked back up.

    Also have you heard of a comic/manga thingy called Brody's Ghost? I just read book 1, and I feel like telling people about it. (Hooray for shameless plugging!:D)
    Ouch. It's pretty bad here (I'm hiding away in my house so I don't have to know how hot), but nothing like that! And good for you! :D I never tried that, but if you want to that's great.

    So I read the first part. It's pretty good, actually! I'm proud that I didn't freak out or anything, like I did with this one creepy game I played. I gave up and had to watch a Let's Play.

    It was much easier to watch than play, to say the least.
    ... This is actually a normal Majora's Mask reference! I was always afraid of reading Ben Drowned. xD

    Although I think I'll try today...

    Pretty good, actually! I haven't done much (in fact I'm behind on reffings and such), but I'm excited over the Tides Under Siege RP and things have been going pretty well overall. I actually managed to cook something good yesterday! Also, I've caught up in Sanctic (it's a shame you had to drop out) and plan on being more active there in general.

    What about you?
    Today I found out that Ryukaki is a brony.

    Edit: Also that the project has been put on hold :(
    Yeah... That was an awesome Rp. I wish I had stayed, but I guess... I think I got overexcited about making my character, and once I was done, didn't know how to play him... Sorry about that. But yeah, that was a cool Rp... And real life does indeed suck.
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