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  • Or a good one, depending on your viewpoint.

    To seal the Pokemon back up again the very moment they finally get a taste of freedom? Wouldn't that just be such delicious irony? As long as the outside world knows what's going on, I imagine Prospero would have no problem with dying for that cause. He's just a grunt after all. Willing and expendable.

    Looking at it that way, who's the more likely to make the first move here?
    HAHAHAHA! It had to happen sometime ~

    At least your Skarmory is playing things smart. =3 The ceiling is made of very old rock, after all. Weak from age. It would be bad if a fight broke out where they all are right now.
    When do you plan to open the RP for posting? Because I'm lazy at the moment and don't know if I'll have the energy to finish my form.

    I was suffering from forgetting my original idea(which I only just now remembered), so I decided to set the story within Santic's universe(ignore the mispelling in the title! :p). Of course, its based a while after where we are right now-allows me some more creative freedom within the preset universe with all of our characters(or at least the ones that I decided to include.) Please be gentle-its my first try, although do give all necessary wrist-smacking for dumb mistakes.

    I will try to put it on fanfic.net-once they send me the damn email confirmation that I requested for my account last Saturday T-T. Its because it doesn't have any restrictions on content, so long as I put the rating down as "M" or change it to "M" midway through.
    They are different to me. If you look at the RP's I am signed up for, they are all fairly similar. DotP is quite a bit different from them.

    You wouldn't believe how much it really is since I didn't do any of it before 1-2 weeks ago, and thus I am still trying to figure out how the hell to sort it all out. It sucks even more since I think the first chapter to my first fanfic is, well, crap-especially considering nobody has even bothered to review it yet :'(

    Alas, I can't improve the length until I get my computer fixed. I'm currently posting on my PS3 atm, which has the very small character limit of 1,025. If you want to know just how big it is, look at my last post on Santic-it is literally at that character limit. Once I get my computer fixed, however, I will start posting larger posts, which should help with that problem.
    Well, different from others... possibly EXP. Though he participates in Sanctic... Perhaps it's too much? He may be like ShadowtheHoundoom in the case of only having an iTouch to type on. IdkIjustfeelguiltysadness Dx
    Suuuuure you aren't *rolls eyes*

    The set up or concept of DotP isn't bad-they are both excellent. Its just that it is so different from what I am used to in RP's that I want to wait a couple of weeks before making my decision. Also, I have far too many things on my plate currently with just being in 3 RP's, managing 3 OC's for those RP's, AND starting to write fanfics, which all add up to my brain going to mesh for something like this.

    Side question, but is there anything that I could do to improve the RP posts that you have seen from me? I feel as if they are inadequate, and I want to improve them even if they aren't.
    Re: did they continue after the Kokuboro arc

    I don't know, I just watched the last episode in that one and they didn't say what was next time and acted like the series was over. I hope it's not...

    I live in the U.S., so I usually go to Borders to get my Kekkaishi books (I have 8-22 and 24-25), but I don't know if you live near a Borders. There's also a Japanese bookstore a while from my house that I go to a lot, but it's not that widespread.
    Then I shall edit it into the first post of Sanctic's OOC thread! Bwahaha. Go take a look. (When the server decides to make me stop wanting to smack it hard.)
    I just had an idea.

    Maybe we should create... an alliance of RPs. Which is like, we do like affiliates and websites do. Link the RP in each thread for some advertising and also, we could be part of an alliance that's determined to not let RPs die. The Alliance for Long Lasting Roleplays.

    It sounds kind of stupid, but... yeah.
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