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  • Sick? You're actually ill? Oh, I'm sorry... I hope you feel better! And once we escape in the forest, well, I really want some more development for my character too. I haven't had time to because I've had to control the plot and stuff, so I'd really just like for there to be like a moment where everyone's just sitting around and talking and getting to know each other. I hope that'll be the moment. Then there could be some interaction there! Mine's already vaguely irritated by Korris. She just needs some huge irritation too before she explodes and starts like scaring everyone. It would be really fun if she became ruthless and lost her morals and did crazy stuff too! I think it'd add a lot to the story.

    I'm okay with it not being like SUPER FAST EVERYONE POSTS A LOT ALL DAY because well, even though I have a lot of free time, having to read all of those posts... man. But I don't want it to get too slow, because if it does, that means certain death. I've worked hard on this, and so has everyone else, so I would like it not to die.
    It turns out the Garchomp is female, I just revealed. And me, I actually... always encounter females. I'm the total opposite of you. My starters have all been overwhelmingly girls. I just get so many. Gender majority on my part too! Poor guy. >: I am feeling kinda sorry for these Crusaders too.

    And I was ninjaed many times today! Ahaha.
    Or just stick it in randomly! That makes it even more fun for me to go: "...What" and then like be all: "...Yeah, that's official, I knew it ALL ALONG" and make everyone think that I actually made that up when you did.

    He? I never specified the gender. Ahahaa.

    And man, I know these Crusaders are supposed to be faceless bastards, but I can't stop giving them characterization. I'm starting to give two of them personalities already, oh dear boy.

    I'm actually dead in the mornings. I'm not a morning person! And yes, I've seen that already. You ninjaed me SO bad, I was like, nooo. That'll be a bunch of fun for sure to see her do that.
    :> Ah, feel free to make up any other stuff you might think of. I'll pretty much just roll with whatever. I kinda suck fail at region building and I don't actually think I know the structure of Lasvion at ALL.

    I'm sure my character could help... if she goes insane, that is. And I can arrange that! When she gets pissed, hooo boo, she could break you down real good. Daha, I could find other ways to break her too... with the Garcho- I MEAN MYSTERIOUS POKÉMON. Damn, the jig is up. But it's totally cool, I love your angry characters! I pretty much nearly literally the same I'M TIMID BUT IF YOU HIT MY BERSERK BUTTON I WILL UNLEASH HELL UPON YOU sort of character.

    I wish I could interact with Korris! But I kinda got my hands tied at the moment trying to control all these NPCs and my character... (I can't wait until everyone levels up, it'll make my job SO MUCH EASIER) see if you can get her to play with the others, maybe notice a weakness in one of them. (In particular, I think the one who's a Solosis is a crybaby character, Trevor, he was. I can totally see yours getting angry at that. Or BCRB's character! She's PREGNANT and your character might see that as weakness.) Fortunately, Garchomp will be coming back really soon.
    That makes complete sense and I'm totally making that official. I like it when people build a place together! I didn't want to build it all myself for this reason, it's better to let people put their own interpretation on it.

    Ah, you do like to make characters who get screwed over, huh? She kinda makes me think of Scaldia from the character sheet in which you described her.
    I am most delighted to hear that. And I like your character's backstory, ahaha. That stuff about Lasvion's air being really clean is a good idea.
    Ah, I saw you did. And praythoughts, what did you make of it?

    Oh whoops, it's a guy? My apologies. I made a mistake!
    STORMECHO used NASTY PLOT It was super-effective!

    BLASTOISE used LUCKY CHANT! STORMECHO was protected from critical hits!

    I have spent all day waiting to evolve my sneasel and now I have.
    Oooh, that sounds pretty good. Like a video game or something. She RAISES your Muse Stats to absurd levels, that's her special ability. You guys are like... you sound like Plusle and Minun at RPing. XD I'm glad to hear that! It might go well with a person like that.

    Ah, so you got a lot on your plate? I could wait until the summer. I'm cooking up some RP stuffs with some people anyways, I'm gonna try to blow the place over and make an RP that lasts at least 20 pages! That hasn't happened a while in current times... but... I wanna see if I can make a really long-laster like the RSP. It'll be really difficult, I know.

    Yeah, we were! That's what it said looking back... oh, I don't think I was in the Chimera Projects, was I? I don't remember being in that one. The RSP... aaah, real shame what happened there. Classics, man, classics. Mourmedy was easily one of the best characters I've ever played.

    >: It's okay. It's not really been that good to RP on here anyway... the old RPs lasted a lot longer and there were a lot more RPers back in the day. And many RPs I join don't even make it past the sign up thread, it's really sad and a shame...
    Oooh. Be careful with that idea though... forums are sort of hard to keep alive, as you saw what happened to the RSP when it moved to a new forum. I used to have a forum as well and it simply died.

    It'd be sweet to restart it here too! I know the restart after the initial one, I was kinda... eh. Was under a lot of stress and problems, but now I feel better. So I think I could be a lot better of a Mourmedy.

    Ah, it's been going all right, like I said above. Feeling better than I used to, all that good stuff. I've been nostalgiaing through the old ones, looking at that one that Jason-Kun made ages ago, do you remember? The one about the school and you and I were apparently co-DMs. And with you?
    Yo yo, Almighty Question Mark. Long time, no talk! I was just going through some old RPs... reminiscing about the Good Ol' Days, ah. Dreams of the Past, it was so awesome back in the day.
    w00t. Even though I'm saving for a trip, I have just enough money to pull it off. I have a gift card with money remaining from a Bowser's Inside Story. That game has no aftergame.
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