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  • Hey miss, I got a pm about a plot saying you'd pm me the details. Something wth Chaon or whatever. I needs it ASAP so I can approve it and/or edt it so it fits.
    hey, how are things going? I know you've been busy with school and stuff, but I haven't had a chance to talk with you lately.
    Hmm. A spy on the dig team... yes! She could have been there the whole team and nobody would have known it! Like... spying on them, watching... No wait... wait... better idea. One of her minions was spying, and she comes on to the scene, and calls them to her... I like it... I do like it. I'll be making my post immediately.
    Oh, thank you~ That definitely sounds like it needs some Mourmedy in there. But how to bring her in... hmm... I need to think of a way to enter. ;;Wonders how I can get her in there;;
    Hmm. What happened before Lance was in the cave? I think I might be able to help if I know a bit of what was going on.

    Yeaaah, I'm just like totally off-track. People post like so fast, and I don't really always have time (or motivation) to check. And by the time I do, the server's like SO slow or I'm absolutely exhausted after school because we do work too often over too many long spans of time (each class is like one hour, twenty minutes, and many teachers love to make us work all throughout that period) and now I have to go read some RP pages and I'm just like: "...Later."

    Yaaay complaining. XD

    I wish there was some other forum to host all of these wonderful RPs though, because I'm honestly fed up with here.
    Hiya Stormy~

    We haven't chatted it up in a while! Oh, I'm sorry I didn't post in Dreams of the Past. I've been really neglectful of RPs lately, to be honest. TCoD's slow loading times doesn't help, everytime I DO check (the rare times that I do), it gets forever to load and I lose patience and then close up the tab.

    But yeah, that's my excuse~

    When I did check, too many posts bunched up for me, and I couldn't read them all and catch up. I've just been all over the place, really. I'd like to post in it, but I just don't have a clue what's going on. And it looks dead. >=

    The same thing happened to me with the RSP, and now I can't really make heads or tails of what's happening. Oh, I'm always lost~ And there's so many posts, can't read them all at once. What is going on? D=
    Writing this because i want to know if you'r 'dreams of the past' thread is already dead, and, if it is not, going to respond to the bio I postede on the OOC thread a while ago.
    Aww, but Tanya heard him, and tried to break in... even if it didn't break through, I'm sure he would have heard that...

    :( I feel ignored
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