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  • Great! And my holidays have been thoroughly exciting... got my Ph. D and had company over. Just got back from a combined graduation/birthday/holiday party now
    HEYHEY. I spent a whole twenty seconds on that hat! Don't disrespect it for twenty more seconds. *Waits* Okay, it sucks.
    Glad that you're glad and all that jazz.

    Anyway. I got Bored. Again, that is, and after I finished my avvy, I edited everything else I had in my files. This included.
    Scary as Hell. Well, that's a bit of exageration, but STILL. She is indeed very creepy. 'Specially the whispering. O_o
    Well, to be fair, consistently keeping a plot going is quite the task. Frankly, I'm surprised I held Worlds aloft for as long as I did; hence why I'm going for co-DMs this time.

    But as for bringing DotP back, as I have said in the past: Doitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoit.

    That is all
    Really? Glad you like it so much. Er, THANK YOU FOR YOUR... Graciousness... and stuff... ALMIGHTY QUESTION MARK.

    I guess that's why Lett is the High Priestess. Nobody else really knows how to do it. X) Anyway, I made it a comfortable 120x120, so feel free to use it as an avvy or profile picture, I guess. Or feel free to just ignore it. I truly don't care that much. As I said, I was bored, so, do whatever you want. (If you do use it, no credit is necessary.)
    HEY, YOU THERE. Yes, you.

    I was... VERY much bored. And this is the result. Thought you should see it.

    She may not be. But what would she do if Halan was talking of romance and the like...late at night, on the deck of a boat with the Moon full over head and watching the water hit the sides of his ship.
    Ah, imagine Him talking to Bas with his new accent. Imagine if it was talk about love and romance. Would she melt?
    Yeah and she'll know what she's getting into by getting involved with Halan. He's a father now, so if you want him you have to accept his child too. Such fuzzy warm feelings to come.

    and i saw the fic. It was cool. Anyways, Halan has started to clean Bas's wounds.

    ....by the way. What do you think of his new language?
    I'm good. I'm psyched about this RP and Halan and Bas and the fact he has a daughter...lords. When those two get together, Bas will be a insta-mom.
    I should really read that.

    But there's another fanfic that I'm going to read in a bit called 'Going Back'. A guy gets trapped in Sinnoh's victory road and has to get saved by his team~
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