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  • I reserve a sleeper right now

    Of course, the moment Emile gets his eyes and third head, he's going to ditch them all and go on his merry way. That'll be interesting when it finally happens
    Why did I say death in my last post? I meant depth. Stupid muscle memory...

    Anyways, I've already thought of the two new 'mons for DoTP, and they are in fact Unovian. Their concepts, though are a bit... weird
    Ah, yes, I recall being Lance! I might be him again, this time of my own volition.

    I don't think Pokémon need armour or anything like that. I mean, I know the weapons are cool... but as Metalos said, they're not there to make humans stronger than Pokémon, just to give them a fighting chance and to be equal. Pokémon already have natural weapons, so they wouldn't need armour or custom items.
    Well, tell me when you do think of something. Personally, I think the forest group needs more characters because well... the other group is slightly imbalanced. It appears to have more characters than the forest group.

    Oh, they were so fun. And Exo Raikou's typically douchy and amoraled character killed Mourmedy's husband or something like that and caused her to have some kind of mental breakdown. Ahahaa.

    Oh! Yes. That makes sense. I think a few more people might be interested in humans now too with Metalos' brilliant weapons idea. It's so awesome that I want to make a second character at some point just so I can have more weapons. And well, I don't think they have to be totally ruthless and unsympathetic! The humans may be the villains of the story, but in my opinion, the key to a good character/villain is to flesh them out and make them, well, human. They are people, after all. Mourmedy, in spite of her evilness, had some sympathetic traits and showed a human reaction when her husband dies. A Woobie human might be an interesting contrast to Mourmedy's more ruthless nature.

    Ah, see! Good job, Almighty Question Mark.
    Nice. Oh, and Hailey isn't wounded, just has trepidation. She's extremely prone to changes in emotion.
    Not quite sure, to be honest... Zrantox, Emile, Frollo, I think those are the ones that I've so far made with the most depth. Others such as Fero and Mecha Sonic are just fun to play...
    Good luck with your horrid backlog, aaah.

    Oooh, somebody who's calm! That'd be new. What group do you think they'd be with? The city group or the forest group?

    Ah, looks like you're trying to shake things up indeed. Not legendaries? This'll be interesting. But of course! You love having your stalky Pokémon, huh? Like how that Aerodactyl character of yours stalked Mourmedy and trying to figure out what her problem was. It will be quite fun.

    I thought Metalos was playing some humans? Or is he playing less than me? So only the 8 sleeper spots, you mean to say, are special and will be visited by humans? And don't worry, I have fierce tenacity and a lot more free time now. If everyone else dies, I'll try to keep it alive.
    You're programming robots now... what!? Dx Are you doing this deliberately to confuse me?
    What, you mean you already have a horrid backlog?

    It'll be soon, I hope! I don't want to railroad too much, but I really hope everyone gets my hint that I want them to go in that cave back with the forest crew. And ah, I gathered that! But his character didn't seem to have much of a conflict with yours... yet. Maybe there'll be more in the future, it could be fun.

    Those Legendary plots were fun, but they got really ridiculous and too over the heads of most people in the RSP and were a big reason I became inactive. I had no idea what the heck was going on and was having a lot of trouble with the whole thing. True that we had an opportunity to learn for it though.

    That's a reason why I decided to limit the amount of people joining to spots. Well, not only because I have to read all of those posts and I would go out of my mind, but there's a certain amount before something becomes too big and confusing. The RSP straddled that several times. I was even less important than you! I only had a minor vaguely mentioned relationship with Fafneer, but I didn't even keep track of any of that dragon's blood stuff. Oh stop, now you're just embarrassing me. YOU are the Almighty Question Mark, I'm supposed to bow to you!

    And Fire-types too, ahaha. I look forward to seeing what you can cook up later on! I think making somebody who acts nice would help not slip into the proud and easily angered pattern. I strangely never get sick of the same character, but I do have someone in mind and I might change this portrayal of Arylett in a surprising way. Sadly, because you can't use humans until a really high level, I can't use them unless people would be okay with me suddenly defying the rules because I make them. I'm not really interested in making another Pokémon character.
    Ooh, good! I mean, bad 'cause you didn't get out of school. But good because you didn't get to miss too much and have a horrid backlog of work.

    You could always snark at Exo Raikou. He's good for some dickfaced characters. Emile's sort of like the Edward of this RP, although I certainly hope that the RP's story doesn't become centered around him like it did around Edward, because then I would have to do something about that. I'm trying really hard to avoid the pitfalls of the RSP, one of which included crazy plots with legendaries going out of control and a certain group of characters whoring all of the attention. But ah, Metalos' character is quite interesting, particular. I can't wait for mine to meet him when the group comes back together.

    Like all dubs in the early 90s, eh?

    That would be so awesome! Although honestly, I hope it doesn't get SO much activity. I might just explode from having to be in two highly active RPs. Thank you for your compliments, ah, I'm really glad to hear it's working out well. It is a difficult task, but... I motivate myself with... well, I don't really motivate myself anymore. It's just something I have to do, so I do it without fighting laziness.
    Oh, sorry! I forgot to reply to your last VM.

    I trust you're feeling a bit better now? How much school did you miss? Did you miss the exam? And aah, it's good that my RP is entertaining you. :>

    Well, looks like she's snarking already with your invited friend. As for the split up, I don't really like it much myself. But I have plans for getting everyone together at some point. Also, I suppose it makes it MUCH easier for me to keep track of people with my own character. I don't have to notice as many.

    Ah, yeah. Activity is a tough one. It's been even more hectic with me because not only has the RP sped up, but I've decided to actually organize myself and do things I need to do, so I have so many tasks I have to do and if I'm here, I'll get distracted from them. The key though to keeping up activity is to give people plenty of rewards. I'm glad you thought the special was a good idea, it was part of my plan to shower people in rewards for activity. You just have to keep encouraging them. So far, it's been working really well. I wish you good luck on your next DoP too! I'd like that one to last a long time, because I had junkloads of fun.

    As for Monster Rancher, yes, I have two games. I have MR4 and MREVO. Both are on PS2. There's also one for the DS, but I've never played it, so you could attempt that one too. I've actually never seen the animé before. Let me just say though, MR4 in particular is pretty hard. Raising monsters is harder than training Pokémon.
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