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    Also, writers block needs to go die in a hole or at least leave me alone. All I want to do is finish this stupid chapter! >_<

    Finally, interesting question that may eventually relate to my fanfic: can humans transformed into Pokemon be captured by a Pokeball? If so, what happens if they transform back into a human? Does the Pokeball that was used to catch them still affect them? If not, then does it affect them again if they transform back into a Pokemon? Such a difficult question to answer.
    Hm. I took a gander at the Informer but... there's really nothing to indicate the presence of anything suspicious other than the "You shouldn't have done that" and that's really not saying much.

    And sadly, we're not getting much from Usekeb other than some pseudo-relevant definitions whose source I can't find :\

    Edit: check your WH inbox.
    *stalks Within Hubris*
    *notices new post in New Developments*
    Edit: Also what's your WH username?
    Erm. I would like to drop my character in Dreams of the Past. I haven't even posted yet... I don't have the inspiration to make a beginning post... I'm really bad at playing humans... And I'm currently at the beach... So... I may rejoin... Eventually, if it lasts for a long, long time. But until then... I'm sorry, I'm just... Bad at playing humans...
    Yeah, it was morning. x3 Stop reading my timezone! It's vaguely eerie.

    Stupid thing. It's fine - just let me know how it goes later.

    You know, I'm really hoping the cameraman didn't get lynched or something :|

    Oh, and this explains Ryukaki's arc quite nicely :D
    Ikr? It was getting so ridiculous after just 5 days, let alone almost 2 weeks =/.

    I might end up having to dig up some German words, because Latin is just too mainstream! /hipster moment
    Aww. Well, I got a couple other people to ask if I completely blank out.

    Thanks. It only took them almost 2 weeks to send the confirmation e-mail T-T.
    Question: What do you think I should name my Fanfic? Now that I think about it, what I named it sounds more like the title of, say, an epilogue chapter than an entire fanfic. I'm just wondering since I'm going to post it on FF.net tomorrow since the account was *FINALLY* approved a couple days ago, and I'm not entirely sure if it is possible to change a story's title after posting it.
    Yeah, but it starts off quite coherently, with obvious Kelbris references. Then the Song of Unhealing comes in, but it still makes sense because BEN is sort of coming off as a sadist. And then you watch lastwords and everything you know is wrong because every pseudo-antagonist and Ifrit have been referenced somehow.
    lol same here pretty much. The main problem is that I don't like basing theories on unconfirmed deductions, and there's very few things we know for certain. Also, the Ryukaki sub-arc has a tendency to screw up anything you come up with. Especially lastwords, because it references everything that's happened up to that point.
    If all these delays (with the exception of possibly hbisreal) prove to be part of the game, I will die.

    Say, are you on WH?
    Thank you, thank you! (it's not my own creation, however)

    And don't worry about missing the arc- I only found out about the whole thing about a month ago. I'm hoping to witness the final arc though.
    Well, I guess the participants are more at fault than the GM (wait a minute... I'm a participant!)

    Though in all fairness, I at least am not sure of how much control Level 1s have over the scenary
    That "lightning box" foreshadowing was nice, though I was a little surprised as to how long the group took at escaping. Nepthys strikes me as some kind of... oddity that has a hint of Blood Knight in her. That will be interesting to see develop
    Oh, Isei definitely will be trying to play people against each other (Prektaan's more "in it for me and me alone," so he might not be as "griefing.") That being said, i can't wait to get to level 5 (o 3, still can't decide) to introduce them (him)

    I think with each iteration, Zrantox becomes more mellowed out and sensible. I imagine he's going to go into "Kill All Humans" mode at some point, but when he does is the real question
    It was a great quote, and it rings true to what eventually happens in Dreams of the Past. Only this time, the divisions don't seem as clear-cut (Zrantox having someone agree with him, for instance)
    It's a conflict of interests. xD Are the Pokemon the heroes of this RP because they're the most numerous? Are the humans villains for wanting to protect the new stability they've discovered? Would attempting to seal them once more be an act of fanaticism or sacrifice? It's all such a grey area that you can't be sure. Which is why I'm rapidly falling in love with this RP ~
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