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  • You read Pedestal? :D I haven't gotten back to the last few chapters for so long, but that fanfic was amazing and just yes. I used to hate luxray.
    Sure, I'd be fine with you playing one of the generals; Here's the list of all of their SPecies: Chandelure (Angon), Slowking (Illisay), Bisharp (Cathar), Tyranitar (Veleek), Roserade (Riandra), Pidgeot, Ampharos, Golem, Weavile, Swampert, Yanmega, Magmortar, and Metagross

    Angon, Cathar and I suppose Illisay are the only ones I'd consider off-limits (the first of these for rather obvious reasons, the latter two because I have things planned for the,)
    I'll admit that I don't have something planned for all of the generals - most of the eleven of them are there to provide flavor into this mass-genocidal campaign. Right now, I only have a list of what species all of them are, but I'm sure I can alter that if you want to play a specific pokemon.
    My plan was to ignore this until I got a certain thing done. But that's not happening, so.

    Well, a way to change moves and have your character grow is always appreciated! I guess I'm feeling self-centered today, so I'll use Diamond as an example; she was going to progressively gain more and more offensive moves, while she started very defensive. It was going to reflect character development and everything. So yeah, keep it, but if you don't want to grade posts then it can be gotten rid of.

    It's on the actual site, though. Hopefully he'll check there.

    It sounds like it. Perpetual sickness is even worse--it just sort of wears on you for a while, you know? It's always worse the fourth day than the second. Are there any preventative things you can take?
    Stealing mechanics didn't work out so well for DotP, but maybe this time! Am I cleared to know what it's about?

    I've had a sore throat for a while, too... do you have allergies? It could be due to those.

    Hm. Do you think shadow sneak would get past the gates, or would that just sound some sort of alarm? I have a weird urge to just have Diamond knock on the door or something, because. Diamond's a civilized pokemon, she doesn't just waltz into someone's home.
    :D I'm pretty much ready to go now! Only a line or two left on history--it's a pretty ugly history but I'm never good at those anyway. I'm actually really excited about everything now. Will the RP be something where I can reuse one of my old characters? I've been getting sudden rushes of nostalgia and ugh I want to redo Rebecca she was terrible and amazing and entertaining and yes.

    You're not the GM? ... Is Metalos the GM, then, considering we all talk with him often? Because if so. Totally joining. I wasn't joking that I stalked all of you.

    Could you get me up to date on Brave New World so I can know where to place Diamond?

    Aaand sorry about that. :/ Being sick is the worst. What kind of thing is it?
    Offhand, I think at least those working at Veilstone's center survived the First Day. Other than that... Not so sure.

    And sure, you can use a Tentacruel even though there's not much water. Sinnoh doesn't have that many bodies of water, so the Tentacruel wouldn't see much action otherwise.
    Well, panic seems to be the only way I can get things like that done as well. Convince yourself it's time to freak out, then? Significantly less fun, though.

    At least I managed to get one reffing done, though! It's... possible for you to stalk that, I guess; causing panic always helps. Hrm, I'm not sure whether I should try to get another one crammed in before I leave (it usually takes a while to ref; I'm oddly inefficient) or do something else vaguely useful.
    Hm, what is it you need to do? I have a few mildly effective ways of getting myself to do things, but if it's already gone to the point of panic then they really don't apply. (Panic is an excellent motivator, anyway!) Also I have things I was procrastinating on as well; prooobably should go and do those.

    But I'm not that good at reffing! I'm terrified when I post a reffing, because other people can see it. And due to the aforementioned absence, it probably won't come up for a while. You can just skim the actual writing and just check the end of round stats, right? Will that satisfy your urges to stalk?
    Well... if the referee is the one that gets to do all the writing about the interaction, then where else am I supposed to go crazy with random exposition about my Pokemon's personality traits? It needs to happen somewhere! Don't you agree?

    At some point I should remake Aryan or Mandalus. Mai demands it for the sake of awesome crossovers. And of course, it isn't like we've never done crossovers before now, is it?
    I tend to get ninja'd a lot, so I suppose that's another reason to be glad. Were there long posts, or were they short? Because if they were long, that could have been terrible. (Also I remember when I made 3-5 liners and called them long, ugh. At the same time, though, I can't help but think about when writing was a short affair.)

    Especially when you buy something purely for a first! Then, if there are others at the same evolutionary stage, you can race them for it. Well, if you two set up a challenge, I could have taken that! Not sure if taking on another battle is a good idea, but I might be able to do it.
    Hm. Considering how old it was, I should be glad I never joined, but that sounds amazingly fun. Ninjas must have been ridiculous, though.

    And they are my favorites because they're the only shiny I actually use. Mine even has an almost-useless signature attribute to reflect that! Also I doodle nidoking far more often than necessary due to the smashing. Dinosaur bunnies, yes. There are already three nidoking in ASB, actually--mine, Kratos', and Karkat Vantas'. With the two nidoqueen, a nidoroyalty battle is going to happen eventually! (It occurs to me that I abuse italics, but oh well.) I've been chasing after firsts-in-the-league for a while now, actually; it's so fun to be immature!
    Or, you could only RP/ref/flavortext mafia and pretend you can write. That's what I do. But yeah, go for it! Prove you can write something, and hide it if you want to.

    Wow, was the Rack Shackle Pack really that active? More than Sanctic at its best? I... will think about joining now, actually; apparently the lack of internet might not be absolute. (It'll probably lead to short, short DSi posts, but oh well.)

    Korris! And a nidoran! You have good taste, Storm. :D Nidoking are certainly awesome, and it'll be interesting to see if you get the fourth.
    I haven't read your fic (yet, I need to become a more efficient stalker), but I'm quite certain it's fine. :P

    Ah, okay. As for myself... well, I could start up at any time, but I'll be absent for a week or so; not quite sure it it's worth it.

    Ackkk, same here. Although I've decided not to post 'fic in general, because "OH NO PEOPLE WILL SEE MY STUFF" has won. I post other writing things, but 'fic is left alone. Mostly because I abandon it. Concentrated? Well, I support I could try to help! The question is, though, whether all of you could survive for two weeks. If you can't, then I'd need an excuse to wrap things up so I don't leave people waiting. You were a fine GM! It was just life stuff, or at least that's what it looked like. The new Diamond, if I make her, will be significantly different.
    ... Hrm, I don't remember Senica, although I feel I should. Was she ever on here? And weird names are good! I think I play the optimist now. Being ignorant about everything is so fun! And planning makes it all so much easier, because if you have vague things you want to do you can push for it!! You don't want your characters to die before all the cool/horrible things happen to them.

    Eventually I'll be unapproachable! ... Wait, I don't want that. But the unapproachable thing tends to happen when you don't VM a lot, at least in my case, so hopefully I'll be good. Because we both have things we want each other to do, maybe we should prod ourselves that way? Join ASB and I'll stop being too intimidated to RP, ha. If it makes you feel better, I had an embarrassing past! Don't worry, ASB is pretty intuitive, and the setup is really easy now!

    I never posted them! Immediately after writing them, I condemned them to the page-ish of notebook paper they were written on. I didn't type them that often because if I did I would feel compelled to post them and that would be terrifying. Also also if I join Brave New World I could stalk you and Metalos! :D It would be like Sanctic all over again! ... I don't think Rebecca would fit well in the situation, though. Do you recall how well I messed up Diamond?
    Okay, good. Haha, well, I learned that myself. (And on the subject of stalking, you really are amazing at making up character names! :o It took me so long to realize that "May" was pronounced like "Mai" and I was making a self-reference without even noticing it. I felt so ashaaamed I was just trying to think of common last names. D:) I just try to think of varied personalities, but I'm afraid everyone I make turns out the same. If I try to make a stoic character, though, I end up never posting, which means I should either get better at that or stop trying. I'll probably just stop trying.

    I suppose so, although the general consensus was that we wanted them out. >| The BfA's on a much larger scale, and the four of us universally agreed that having them switch sides would be rewarding them (because the other side is controlling legendaries). It doesn't quite matter now, though. And I'd be glad to help! I fully intend to turn into a super-scary ASBperson soon, just wait for it and you'll see. >D Even though I'm not that great at teaching or explaining, I could toss a few general strategies at you and see what sticks. Really, all that you need is improvisation skills! It's not that hard to skirt around someone's commands; even the strongest ones have loopholes to exploit.

    Just the mention of a drabble reminds of when I would endlessly plot up drabbles for every roleplay I was in. Every. Single. One. That's it, Storm, I don't think I can take not being in a RP anymore. I need my characters back. This is a terrible time to join one, considering I'll be absent for about a week, but...
    ! Here, then, I'll join yours. <3 (Tales of TCoD is also currently a thing, but it's a self insert whelp how do I portray myself again.) And Exo's looked really fun, but I never thought of a character; I didn't think any of my older ones fit. Also they might have been decent later on, but I always felt silly compared to you and Metalos. Also, how obvious was it that I was stalking the both of you?

    "Might eventually" works, but probably not for the BfA. If you do, though, we should have a match sometime! Well, we were losing pretty ridiculously up until last round. Eventually, three other people and I wrote a letter to Negrek asking if something was up (Crazy Linoone sent it); we were suspicious of our security before. We were told Colours and HighMoon were informing on our plans to the other team since round one, so then we debated on the fine points of things for a while and they switched sides. Now, we get new people to join, and we're trying to lend out pokemon that we think will fit our current strategies. The problem with that is that most want to use their own (which are significantly less useful), even though we said we'll give them the rare candies/money to compensate if EXP is distributed incorrectly. Thaaat's the short version, it probably sounds biased and doesn't explain much but the thread doesn't quite cover everything either.

    Ugh, that sucks. Mine are probably coming soon, but, let's not think about it! Your Wednesdays sound horrible. :[ Most of my days of the week are pretty much the same... my lack of sleep catching up on me Thursday and Friday might count, though? I can't stick to a consistent plot, so most of my "hey what if I wrote some fanfiction???" ended in "NO". Roleplaying/reffing/writing up mafia game flavor is the best I can do!
    :D I saw when you first posted in the fanclub! I wanted to say something but I just... didn't... I'm slowly gaining a tendency to lurk. I fanramble on other people's profiles instead of in threads! Same here; once Sanctic died/moved I never came along with it and nothing else ever popped up. (In addition, I relearned how awful my characters were. So posting became a bit difficult.) I've decided I want to get active again, but I have no real ideas for how to do that.

    Same old, same old, pretty much. I've gotten sucked into ASB lately, even more than before. If you've heard of it (where I obtained my avatar, sort of; blazhy made it for me), the BfA has sort of taken over my life. >_<; The whole thing is getting a bit stressful, with the small dramafest that's occurring and all, but it's worth it. And if you like the idea of ASB, there's currently room for new recruits...?

    School is pretty much normal and unobtrusive, luckily. The choices for electives just came out, with all the "what do I choose D:?" that comes with them, but otherwise yeah. As with you?
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