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  • How's it going? I need about an hour to get home... would you rather I leave now and be back around 9:30, or stay on here for a while and leave later?
    Really sorry, I've been at the Rach for the last week and a half. Very little internet access. : ( Also, welcome back!
    Well, be back in an hour or so... I also *mentioned* about your RPG to CL... ;) I guess ODK is next for me, though I'm still also trying to come up with the signup sheet for Chaon's RPG. He hasn't been on TCoD for a little while, for some reason...
    There's a slight temporal difference... I'm hoping the fact that the crystals are being *taken* from their place is the reason the crystals are failing...:p is that okay?
    Wee, posted.... It's too long though to worry about the slight issue I might have with Exo-Raikou... We can say he saw crystals before he saw dig-team members ;)
    I'm just going to post Tanya, my Milotic, character for DotP right now. I'll just treat the human associated with her as an NPC, and probably not use him for a while anyway.

    I'm just about done with Tanya, but I still need a few mins.
    If you're coming on, I'm currently posting to ODK (Endy's done, just working on Verne now), I'll post to CP3 after I'm done, and I'll have my signup for dreams before you get back next week... trying to prioritize right now, with everything I promised to do :p
    Well she IS about to leave, right? So if she does then she had better be back with the Pack by then. Otherwise this can't go down. :9
    So Bas had better be back by the end of Ecruteak City. :9

    The good thing about not getting to use Suicune in it was that it got me off my ass to approve a special appearance too, so :I
    ooh ooh ooh guess what

    I got the fight approved. :9
    I had to tweak one part from my side of the story, but I got it approved. :D
    Actually, I'm going to head home now. If you're on in about 1 hour, half hour before midnight, maybe we can talk, so that I know what I can do for my signup. Otherwise, I guess I'll just have to make something up and hope that it's okay in the morning.

    PS: Do I absolutely have to be one of the three listed? Or if I provide a good enough alternative bio, can I come up with an alternative reason for being in that world? :p
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