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  • That "guy" in the penguin suit just happens to be a grade school girl genius, and is the main character in an anime series that has lots of random moments in it.

    Word. :3

    "scary crown dude" has a name, you know. (okay it's Japanese but whatever)

    But he's been replaced by a mage that can set stuff on fire. ^^
    Erm, Justice for All and Trials and Tirbulations. I'm on the second case on both.
    *phew* I'm safe. I'm pretty sure that's an impossibility, Mike, because that pupil of yours can only take in light, so you'd have to somehow change your finger into a light, then stick it in your eye to swish your brain, but that WILL blind you.

    Whoa, me and my science thingies. O_o'
    Well, I would, buut this is a PG-13 forum, sooo...xD
    I've had mine since I was eleven, so for two years. They're just for seeing far,since being "nearsighted" runs in the family.

    On one strange note, I want to ask you this: If I write this Blackadder fic*which I will, btw* should it be a one-shot, or a bit longer? Really, this would be my first fanfiction EVER wriiten down, so be gentle with the impaling after you read it.xD
    No, not a horse. The doctors have those..bedpans under their feet, so that's why they're running like that. It's a Scrubs avatar, so, yeah. I'm a seriously giant Scrubs-geek, among a geek of other things. xP
    I always thought it sounded more like boombaga, at least in the games I've played.
    You better talk to Jovi about that. I only ever added Mil & Sable to the family. Okay, and JK & Annie too.

    Alright, I guess. I have a horrid cough and sore throat, but at least I know my ex is ok with me...he tried to talk to me earlier today and started saying sorry and stuff.

    Nyaa~ *eats*

    (For some weird reason I think of Sandshrew as a cat until it evolves. Then...I dunno what Sandslash is. :P)
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