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  • I was reading through your comments on Jack_the_white's profile and kept seeing that you said that "Wales is sort-of a country". I just thought you'd like to know that like Scotland, it is its own country. Not sort-of a country, but definitely its own stand along country. Just thought I'd help clear some possible confusion there. I wasn't sure if you knew or not.
    Mind if I sprite Hydilo and Sychocat :D? I just love Hydilo's design. It somewhat reminds me of my slightly insane friend :D And I love cats. And that cat is awesome.

    EDIT: Oh, wait. I'm sligthly busy with some undone requests at my long forgotten shop :/ Hydilo and Sychocat gotta wait...
    What do you mean by a 'mild zig-zag pattern'? Do you mean jaggy ends of the orange markings or...? Also, the chest doesn't show much (I had to fit in the third head somewhere, damnit D:) But maybe the pointed shapes will. I'll try to fit them in.

    And no problem. I love spriting in my spare time :3
    Hiya, Castycal! I'm almost done with Cerbedoom, the only things remaining are the outlines and the orange-pink markings. Do you want any specific markings, or should I design them? If so, have any suggestions?
    I just remembered something I told (or was thinking about telling) you a couple of months ago that could be a compromise, so that I could both revise and still talk to you but it's too late now so :(
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