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  • Typh, if you get a notification from Scyther, please don't listen to him. -_-;;;
    Typh, Typh.. Calm down. ^.^;;
    I'll "upload" it here eventualy, but I need Skroys help with that..
    And as for your realism doodle, What do you mean "what happened to it"?? D:
    (;~; I miss him. On the kinda-plus side, I'll be getting two more rats at some point soon, so the lack of cute small animals to hug will finally end.)
    RRRRRRRRRRRR *crunchsplatterewwwgross*
    (Well, wild rats, yeah.. But Timmy was awesome-rific! D;
    Yay for you. ^^)
    THIS WON'T HURT A BIT. IT'LL HURT A FREAKIN' LOT. *Pulls out a chainsaw*
    (Tsk tsk, such language!! xD What about rats? I used to have a rat.. D:)
    Fun, fun! That sounds fair! *rips bandages off*
    (Mice?! o.0 I suggest investing in a really nice -shotgun-.. >DD)
    Oh dearie me. Again. *vultures circling*
    SAAAY, if you kick the bucket, can I inherit your stuff? If I promise to share with Notory? :D
    *Covers you completely in bandages*
    Cool. Because I drew that, and it's kinda funny. I'll scan it when I get back home.
    Moving right along.. uh...
    Link holding a 4th of July sparkler, with his hand on fire. Funny or disturbing?
    Oh dearie me. Somebody get a doctor! ...But not House. No way.
    *Doctor Mario poofs in* DID SOMEBODY NEED A DOCTOR?!
    Yes. But not you. Get out of here!
    Doctor Mario: D; *leaves*
    What are you interested in than? O_o

    Like when you jump on the bed and try to touch the celing, but your mom comes in and yells "QUIT PLAYING ON THAT BED [NOTORY]" and you have to stop? I MUST TOUCH THE CELING. O_O
    Maybe you had an obsession that faded? Or the novelty wore off? :3

    Well Typhy, *pulls out two sock puppets* When two people love eachother veeeery much....
    I always get demerets for lack of eye contact. Granted, in our society that detonates not listening, but I'm different..

    I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN! Yeah, like if I'm talking to a teacher or something I can't look them in the eye. I always looked a bit to the side of the, it's wierd. X33

    I HAVE THE PERFECT EXPLANATION. It is a comic. Plain and simple. X333
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