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S. E.
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  • Well, actually, she says she's going home today. But since you're the dragon character, you're supposed to be the one to take the initiative...
    Oh, okay. I didn't think adoptables still worked if you uploaded them to your own host though? (like, increase in levels/hatch/whatever)
    You can only 'host' one image on TCoD on your signature. o.O I believe you're getting advertising your adoptables and hosting them mixed up.

    don't be silly you're not bugging me, if you were being annoying I wouldn't reply.
    "I know one person who has pretty much every image site blocked, so this is the only place they can use."

    If they have image hosting sites blocked then why would they use TCoD?
    I gathered that you meant parental blocks, but this is confusing. I don't really understand why TCoD is a substitute for something like Photobucket?

    I don't really care about people's banners. My sig doesn't even mention banners, just adoptables/trainer cards etc. Honestly if I don't like them and they just link to someone's club/roleplay that I have no interest in then I'll just adblock it.
    Oh. I've never gotten very far in the arena, so I wouldn't know. Does it show Galactica Knight's name when you fight him in the arena?
    Yeah, I'm talking about Meta Knightmare Ultra now that I remember the name. I meant that Meta Knight is faster in the air, and you can use that one ability that makes you faster, too. I can't remember my fastest time, but I have beaten it.

    Is it just me, or is 'The greatest warrior' you fight at the end a lot easier to beat than Marx?
    Tbh I don't really care about adoptables, it wasn't directed at anybody. I just don't like seeing them and I was being silly. Plus I don't really understand what you mean - most adoptable sites give you codes to use, and you can only upload one sig picture on TCoDf anyway. What do you mean by 'image sites', and if such-and-such has them blocked why would they use TCoDf?

    Why would I turn off signatures when I can adblock adoptables? I like signatures, I just don't like having to wait for my lame wireless connection to load ten million adoptables each page of a thread. Most of them look horrible anyway. :/ The only ones that look good were the dragons, but I blocked them too because people were putting so many in their signatures.

    I don't really see the point of them anyway. They don't actually do anything. :/
    Kirby Superstar Ultra. It's actually my sister's game, but I probably play it more than her. There's this one level where you get to play through all the levels before it except with Meta Knight instead of Kirby. I find it easier to control Meta Knight better than Kirby since Kirby's so slow.
    Nah, like you I find word roots interesting too. Because of these odd tidbits of latin that I know I'm able to figure out what some words mean.
    A really easy one would be tripod. Tri = three, pod = foot/feet
    But then theres the pedal thing... Quadrapedal, bipedal, It's like it alternates between evens and odds. X33

    ...... Crap, I rambled... o_o;;
    Ah, the wierd girl. The girl from mars. The girl whom everyone thinks oddly of, the girl who-- okay I'll stop. X33
    You were homeschooled? Tell me what it was like!! 8DD
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