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S. E.
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  • I know how you feel.... Sorta.
    The people here are moreso themselves, for better or for worse. Like me for example, In real life I'm very quiet and have this air around me that says get away. On here I'm loud and friendly.
    If I had to leave this place forever I dunno what I'd do.
    Scratch that, I'd probably just sneak on whenever I could, but that would be rarely..
    Hey ShinyVee, how are you?

    Do you think you can do me the favour to Check this out?

    And do you happen to have a MSN Messenger account? It'd make it easier to speak with you.
    Yeah, after playing Kirby pretty much the entire time I was on vacation (well, while traveling to where we went on vacation) and I became obsessed with Meta Knight. ^^;
    What the heck have you seen EVERYTHING having to do w/ kirby or meta knight? Fine, how about this one:
    What I find to be the most likely scenario is that she got blocked. I've always found it deliciously ironic that, while her parents blocked places like Photobucket, they just let her go wild on TCoD, even though it's rated PG-13 and appropriately so. That's not to say she couldn't just avoid inappropriate topics, but obviously if her parents are going and blocking most other places then I hardly think they'd figure that.

    Heh, I love this~
    My parents don't know that I'm on here as you figured. They approved the main TCoD site and the forums just tagged along for the ride. If I ever was discovered on here by them....
    Feh, I don't know If I could really come back.
    Sweet dreams Eevee~
    And no, that's not suposed to be creepy. It's just what I say to wish people a good night. :3
    And get some rest too. X3
    I just thought it wouldn't really matter. I mean, I'm just a girl at her computer. Nobody here has met me in real life besides Ibiku, and she left a while ago.
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