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S. E.
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  • I hacked my pearl with action replay.....worst mistake ever. Thank God I have Platinum now. I never play pearl anymore.
    You lost your pearl version? lol the same thing happened to my friend. She thinks a little kid stole it.
    I'll give you my Torterra, if you please. I'd also like to give you my Togepi so that I have an excuse to get rid of it. My friend code is 0989-9791-8023
    You think meta knight is awesome to? 8DDD Anyway, heres another one:
    Well, I could be wrong. And OMG Notory has cancer?! D= I feel so bad for her! My cousin had cancer and she almost died from it! I hop Notory is ok!
    The reason we are freaking ut about injury is because Notory has cancer. There's really no reason too, considering it's not all that horrible and it's not like it would suddenly attack her, but still, you know, many people just found out.

    Also, and though I know this is random, I was wondering if you and I could trade. I'm looking for a female eevee or a ditto.
    Well, not really. I just happen to think in terms of numbers myself, so it was just natural for me to add numbers. What I suggest is to visualize drawing your dragon, and write down what features would stand out if you could draw it.
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