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  • Ans told me that you're looking for people for the Chimera Project; if you're willing to put up with my oft-sporadic posting, then I'm all for joining again.
    I'll fix that once I get home.

    I also realized something. I've completed two more battles. I can bring a Fakemon to life. When I get home, I'm trying out the remodeled Tsuki line out for a spin again~
    Cool. I found a list someone threw together for EV point in things. I have it saved on my lap top now...Unless you'd like to suggest a few that won't kill my fire types (Damn Gyrados and it's attack boost *shakes fist*)

    Glad you liked it. What do you think of Crow entry?

    How do I split Tiny's three way? Os should half of the EVs go to his Sp.Attk?

    Aslo. What did you think of my opening post in the Dragon Knight thing?~
    Hey. I know I've asked this alot...but I just don't seem to write it down.

    I was wondering what were the EV points I needed for the team I'm doing. I alright now a few, I just need your help to fill him the blanks. I may as well get something done while I'm out here.

    Joey: Sp. Attk, Speed.
    Tiny: Sp.attk, ---
    Mischief: ---, ---
    Pepper: Speed, Attack (I believe)
    Ras: Speed, Attack (I believe)
    Diego: ---,---
    Only the trailer that one of the people we camp with. He has the Elercitry...does not mean I can get to it all the time. It may be locked at some point.

    The internet connection out here sucks butt. I will not be on much out here...Sorry. But I am writting a story about Halan finding Edward with the bad guys~
    I am. I found Wi-Fi out here...but that doesnàt mean that my lap top has forever batteries.

    I can only be on for a certian amount of time.
    Oh, and KQueen wants you to hit Harly's horn-brace whenever you want to end the fight. And you have to let Vendetta fall into his coma, it's all part of the love-so-secret-even-he-doesn't-know subplot.
    Well, there are plenty of ways it could be done. My suggestion is that when we go to save Rinna, we're beaten there by Harlequin and the B2SP. The B2SP and Harlequin agree to call of their attack on wherever Rinna is and to not eat Rinna respectively, if Ed will become Darkness's apprentice.

    If you're wondering why Darkness, I picked her because Fafneer is eventually going to kill Darkness and with you as Darkness's apprentice, it would provide oodles of angst given the Fafneer-Ed relationship and the fact that Fafneer is killing Darkness because she reminds him of Harlequin.

    Darkness also has a prosthetic leg and portion her skull/ear/eye combo thing so she can teach Ed to wield his prosthetic arm more awesomely.

    Also, if Ed learns a little bit of Psychicness from Darkness like Vendetta did from Menace, when Ed returns, Vendetta could teach him more and he could end up like a Vornskr from Star Wars which are motherfucking awesome tigers who hunt all awesomesaucely with the Force.
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