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  • The ultimate life form:
    Litten (Festive Hat) from Pokémon Rumble Rush
    I don't know if you still do ASB profile validation, but I want to join ASB. The post below me says that they were referred by someone, but I don't know if I need to be, soooo, could you do it?
    Oh, I just saw this, sorry! Done.
    Hello! Could I join ASB? I was referred by IndigoEmmy. Also, i know that you don't know me, but happy one year anniversary for you joining this!
    Actually, trinket has been on forever, under the name Zhorken (Shouldn't have said that oops) but she just created a new account.
    ok cool! i am very new (I think that I created my account in january or february)
    Hey @Trinket i was trying to start an ASB thing on my website and i actually found the code on github! Yaaay. But how exactly would one put that on a website?
    Hey Trinket! I'm not sure how invested you are in updating the database right now, but I figured I'd send you my findings and you can do with them what you will :D I noticed that when creating a new battle, it doesn't accept the new thread link format, and [size = +2] must no longer be a valid tag - I updated it to [size = 6] in my thread.
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