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Search results

  1. GalladeMaster

    Be Random- just say the first thing that pops in your head

    I love to be random! Pancackes give me gas.(not really, I just want to be random) Monster trucks are awesome. Cryptids are real. How can bees fly if their wings are smaller than their bodies? I found a cave of Damselflies.(really) ________________It's time for SQUID...
  2. GalladeMaster

    Swine Flu

    No. I. am. freaking. out. The Swine flu is about 18 miles away from me. Somebody in my school thinks he has it.
  3. GalladeMaster

    Percy Jackson and the Olympians CLub

    So am I, I'm lucky my brother is willing to buy it for me. 3 MORE DAYS PEOPLES!! JUST 3 MORE FOR BOOK 5!!!!
  4. GalladeMaster

    Funny Cavaliers Video

    Baseball isn't American. It is baseball you are talking about right?
  5. GalladeMaster

    Percy Jackson and the Olympians CLub

    I have know about this for a year and 1/2.
  6. GalladeMaster

    I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

    Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon Really? I defeated Maylene on my first try, with not even 1 Pokemon knocked out. I defeated Cynthia with no problem, I didn't even know her Lucario was strong. Anyways, Pokemon I hate: 1.)Pikachu 2.)Groudon 3.)Latias 4.)Shaymin-Land forme 5.)Mew
  7. GalladeMaster

    Swinub hoax.

    Oh yeah, I just noticed. Thats true. Heres a picture:
  8. GalladeMaster

    Swinub hoax.

  9. GalladeMaster

    Swinub hoax.

    Many people believed it though. They are probably not that smart. The picture of the guy with a swinub is obviously a fake.
  10. GalladeMaster

    Swinub hoax.

    Swinub found on our world.Note:this is a hoax so don't take it seriously. Have you heard of this hoax? Do you believe in it? Would you like it to be real? Reasons why this is fake (other than Pokemon don't exist). Who would actually do this?And why?
  11. GalladeMaster

    Any Pokémon Dreams?

    Re: Any Pokémon Dreams? About 3 days ago I had a not-so-fun dream, but it was interesting: All I remember is that I was writing a book about Dragon-type Pokemon, I was half-way through the Flygon section when I woke up. I also remember writing this:"...Flygon have patterns on their wings which...
  12. GalladeMaster

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    Reasons why Pokemon anime lost it's touch. -Ash dose not have any cool Pokemon. -The show lies.(How could Thunderbolt hurt a ground type?) -Ash doesn't catch Legendaries when he has the chance. -Ash thinks his Pikachu is the best(wait until he sees mine, which knows Surf)...
  13. GalladeMaster

    Percy Jackson and the Olympians CLub

    Read an excerpt of The Last Olympian, at Barnes & Noble Just scroll down until you see "Read an Excerpt", the 1 chapter is just below that.
  14. GalladeMaster

    Name on the internet.

    My awesome license I don't even know what this is.Or this.
  15. GalladeMaster

    Do you belive in Cryptids?

    Exactly when was Nessie proved a fake?!?!
  16. GalladeMaster

    Percy Jackson and the Olympians CLub

    I was about to post that image=( Anyway, I just finished reading chapter 1 of The Last Olympian,It is AWESOME!
  17. GalladeMaster

    Your All Time 5 Favourite Movies (Oh and least favourite)

    This is HARD! (in no particular order) -Wall-E -KungFu Panda -Any Harry Potter movie -Monsters vs Aliens -Pokemon 3 the movie (Least favorite) -Ben 10 Race Against Time -Shrek 2 -Shrek the Third -The Simpsons movie -Any of the Scary Movie movies
  18. GalladeMaster

    Favorite Legendary Trio?

    What is your favorite legendary Trio? Mine is The Regi Trio, they are not as powerful, but they are cool! RegiceRegirockRegisteel
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