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Swinub hoax.


< The 'Master of Disaster' is awesome.
Swinub found on our world.Note:this is a hoax so don't take it seriously.

Have you heard of this hoax? Do you believe in it? Would you like it to be real? Reasons why this is fake (other than Pokemon don't exist).
Who would actually do this?And why?
This is sorta old. :/ and it was probably pretty obvious it was fake if you have an IQ higher than that of a pineapple.
Well and if you're really young you might have belived it too, since younger kids tend to think that Pokemon and stuff are real... But older people should know better.
...I thought it was kind of obvious, particularly as it was tied in with April Fool's.

Honestly, I highly doubt that if someone found a new creature they'd go 'hey, that looks like a pokemon *emails bulbapedia*'.
kind of obvious, particularly as it was tied in with April Fool's. .

Oh yeah, I just noticed.

Salazard said:
Not even a lampost would take that seriously!

Thats true. Heres a picture:
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The picture kind of fails because for some reason they made it a b&w picture. Authenticity!
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