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Swine Flu

hey guys guess what
The guy who showed Obama round a museum in Mexico died. He had swine flu. This is producing retarded comics like this:

If only they'd elected the 74-year old cancer sufferer with a history of heart problems and his lovely VP pick
Heh, those comics are just too funny.
But really, this Swine Flu epidemic is serious and people are just taking things seriously. Some take it a little too seriously, if you ask me.
Plus, it's highly contagious, so it can spread easily. They're even considering quarentining people that have it or suspected to have it, just to prevent it from spreading.

It's spread pretty quickly, since it's in 4 continents now. I've also heard from the news that this is the work of terrorists. That could be true, I guess, but it could also just be a rumour.
Yes, terrorists genetically modified a disease in order to assure the DESTRUCTION of everyone through influenza. Never mind bombing things or anything, let's create a human strain of a virus that is easily treatable!!
^You never know, they could be using this to distract us. That just might be my paranoia speaking... but still.

Uuuuh. Terrorists don't 'distract'. That's the entire goddamn point.
I suppose, that's true. I do tend to be somewhat paranoid, though.

And good luck with that x3
Even if they do they'll be fine. o.o I really don't see what's to worry about.
oh no you had a totally different strain of flu from the one that has killed all of fifty people in mexico
Okay, that's kinda creepy.
At my school, we're putting a program in that any student with 'flu-like' symptoms will be sent home, and any student that develops symptoms will be put in an isolated room.
I'm scared. O.o
I think only two people caught it in the province that I live in.
Noooo now there are 18 people in the UK that (definitely) have it. ;_;

Knowing two of them isn't cool anymore! *sinks into depression*
People, it is not like it will kill. Regular flu can do that. There's not anything special 'bout the flying pigs 'cept that it spreads quickly.
I've had a cold for about a week now and I had to give a speech in public speaking last Wednesday. When I got up to the front of the class I said "Sorry, my voice is a little jacked up, I've got the swine flu."

They laughed.

I like my class, they're not, you know, paranoid about nothing. Just wash your goddamn hands and go about your business, good day.

EDIT @ surskitty's twitter comic: hahahaha awesome.
I feel a need to post this.

"Many years ago, people thought that when pigs fly, a black man would be President. 100 days into Barack Obama's presidency, swine flu."


Anyway, I just wanna get it and live so I can tell all the pedantics at school to shut up about it. :/
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