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Search results

  1. jibaku

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Send some of those fem vibes to my Riolu egg too plox XD Suicune is stupidly close to hatching ;o;
  2. jibaku

    Character changes thread

    ...As long as they don't mess up Silver too badly, I'll be good. Soul is cute. I won't lie. I like her design. She's like a fail replacement Kris. Did they come out with Silver's art yet or something? I haven't seen it D: Oh, and I'm going to call Silver Silver because that's his name D...
  3. jibaku

    Naruto Fanclub

    oh oh oh I wanna join :Dv I read the manga and watch the anime :Db
  4. jibaku


    So today was the last day of finals for the Seniors and I got a 93.5% on my English final which pushed my grade up from 66% to 70% on the nose. English was the last class I needed to pass before I graduate. YESSSSS~ Now on Saturday, I get to put on my robe and cardboard hat, do a little bit...
  5. jibaku

    Japan... kinda sucks!

    Don't get me started on whaling. Pleeeease don't get me started on that. There was a show on Animal Planet called Whaling Wars where these two bit hippie assholes were *attacking* Japanese whaling ships. Why? "They're killing innocent whales!" Attacking other human beings because of a bunch...
  6. jibaku

    I've got all of those XD I go on collecting sprees at random times. I really like Meltdown the...

    I've got all of those XD I go on collecting sprees at random times. I really like Meltdown the best though. Have you heard Kaito's version of it? It's worth hearing.
  7. jibaku

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! And Gallery! Oh oh oh oh oh can I have a Milotic trainer using Misty's sprite?
  8. jibaku

    VOCALOIDSSSSSS~ Len and Rin are totally awesome. What are your favorite songs by them?

    VOCALOIDSSSSSS~ Len and Rin are totally awesome. What are your favorite songs by them?
  9. jibaku

    The anime may, in fact, be deeper and more depressing than I thought...

    You took the words right out of my mouth. I don't think that Ash is in a coma. It's an kid's anime for crying out loud. And since when are Ash and James gay?
  10. jibaku

    The Platinum Status Thread

    FINALLY BEAT ROARK HOMG. In Diamond, he wasn't nearly so tough. I had to evolve my Piplup before I won. Now I'm off to Eterna City.
  11. jibaku

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    SFDSKJJFDSLJFLDK I GOT A SUICUNE! *is super happy about it because Suicune is her favorite legendary dog* I shall name it SHIKI cos I can >:v
  12. jibaku

    Pichu's World & Pikachu's Hideaway Forums needs some members

    First of all, take admin approval off. Secondly, eight characters for a password is a bit much. If you want people to join, don't make them jump through flaming hoops.
  13. jibaku

    Japan... kinda sucks!

    Well, if Japan wants to be douchebags to the rest of the world, they almost have a right to do so. Where does a majority of our entertainment come from? Not from the US, that's for sure. Japan made their own image warped to the rest of the world. Now there are people going there, expecting...
  14. jibaku

    Exam Nervousness

    The only one I'm worried about is English because that's the only one I actually need to pass to graduate. French I'm a little worried about too, but if I don't pass the exam, oh well. I'll give it my best shot. Money Management is going to be a joke just like Nutrition and Wellness. My...
  15. jibaku

    Cheat Cartidges

    I don't really like cheating devices in Pokemon. It just doesn't seem right. I have two hacks [one I got from GTS and the other was a Shaymin that was technically legitimately caught because having the letter or whatever doesn't mean that catching has to be a hack too loool] and the only one...
  16. jibaku

    Hi, I'm Mira!!~<3

    Hay hay~ Welcome to the board.
  17. jibaku

    Requests Open Forest of Pixel Art.

    kdsljdfklg Your pixel overs are amazing! May I please have a pixel over of Piplup? please and thanks~
  18. jibaku

    Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

    Woww~ That's pretty~
  19. jibaku

    Things that make no sence in Pokemon

    Probably. In one episode where they were at some kind of festival, Ash and Misty were eating fried Magikarp. One thing that doesn't make much sense is why Ash's father hasn't ever been shown. D: Like, wry not just be like OH HAY, THIS DUDE *insert random guy* ASH'S FATHER BTW. YOU CAN STOP...
  20. jibaku

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Zubat's going to hatch really soon~ I can't wait for it to hatch. Zubat is one of my favorite Pokemon.
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