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Japan... kinda sucks!

What if one day I woke up and said, "You know what? I really don't like Ireland today. Let's go bomb it."

I say Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and DC should join forces if the states ever split. We're practically siblings, with the Chesapeake Bay attached to Maryland, WV having been part of VA at one time, and DC pretty much smack dab in the middle of Virginia and Maryland.
That says more about your family than it does the situation, really.
It's an awesome family, I was just pointing out that i'm not the only one who thinks this.

Whale farm. Whale farm. Whales, who are pretty much the biggest motherfuckers this side of the dinosaurs. If you find a way to make a whale farm that does not take up the entirety of the ocean I will invest every cent of my life's savings into it.
Oh, i'm sure they'd be able to manage, they just want to harpoon money out of the ocean, not waste it (hence they're offering that person the chance to leave, as opposed to supporting them until they find a job). ,xP

Um, you realise that a lot of that shit continued fairly blatantly into the 1960s, right, and I don't know what world you're living in if nobody lives past fifty. I don't even know much about Australia and there's still really obvious race problems.Ambulatory glasses. That is all.
It continued, but that probably had nothing to do with how the UK ran things prior, right? They took their damn time but eventually they fixed their mistakes, and now the government treats aboriginals better than white people.

Nobody lives past fifty.. We have a family friend who's aboriginal, and he's well into his fifties, and I suspect he'll live until a good 70 or so (at least).

Keep in mind these aboriginals lived he 70,000 years, and their life expectancy never wavered. It's the same as animals in the wild, vs animals in captivity. (and no i'm not calling them animals). In truth, if you lived in 45ºC heats for your whole life as a nomad, eating lizards and drinking water with flavouring from leaves and bark, how long do you think you'd last?

Hey, we try to build them free houses, but what do they do? They smash them down and complain that they get nothing...
I say Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and DC should join forces if the states ever split. We're practically siblings, with the Chesapeake Bay attached to Maryland, WV having been part of VA at one time, and DC pretty much smack dab in the middle of Virginia and Maryland.
But Maryland hates Virginia. Virginia's like that place Marylanders live if they want to start sucking ass. It's got like ... Tysons. No place worth living has Tysons. Also it has Virginia roads and fuck Virginia. Just. Ew. Sure, maybe the four should team up, and I do think Maryland would adopt DC at least, but Maryland and Virginia should be siblings that hate each other and only coincidentally share public transit. D<

I have absolutely no opinion on West Virginia.

@FELIDIRE: Go away.
I dunno what West Virginia would be like as a person, but it'd have coal. And pepperoni rolls. And half the country wouldn't even realize it's a state, and think that people are talking about western Virginia when they mention it. :[

this should totally actually happen (only with ohio as part of the united states of canada :P) . everyone would be happy having their country run just how they wanted! only downside is that jesusland would become a theocratic warlike nation obsessed with weaponry, while the united states of canada would become a utopian progressive society at ultimate peace. so jesusland would eventually take us over and we'd be worse off than when we started. :P
Yes. ♥ I agree with this very much.

And also, I hate it when people go on about Japan and whaling. Iceland whales a whole lot too but the way people immediately jump on Japan at the very mention of the country because of whaling is so stupid. Very likely is that they don't know much about it, and your average Japanese citizen probably thinks whaling is cruel as well.

Seriously, the amount of people who hate Japan for whaling is bordering on racism in some cases, and most people don't even know Iceland actually does whaling as well.

Don't get me started on whaling. Pleeeease don't get me started on that. There was a show on Animal Planet called Whaling Wars where these two bit hippie assholes were *attacking* Japanese whaling ships. Why? "They're killing innocent whales!"
Attacking other human beings because of a bunch of fucking whales.
Oh, so humans can die to protect one stupid whale? That's okay now? What the hell, man.
Felidire said:
It's an awesome family, I was just pointing out that i'm not the only one who thinks this.

That's kind of irrelevant. My family and my boyfriend's family both think the opposite.
This is an argument that doesn't really go anywhere when you think about it.
Felidire said:
Hey, we try to build them free houses, but what do they do? They smash them down and complain that they get nothing...

The fact that you are applying this stereotype - even though that you are *aware* that this is a stereotype - to every indigenous person is ridiculous. I know a lot more caucasian people than aboriginal people that get the same benefits and exhibit the same behaviour that you've been describing. I live next to a HomesWest house (idk if you know what that is - it's a benefit housing thing) and since it was built, out of the eight families that have lived there, one of them has been Aboriginal.
This kind of stuff isn't particularly Aboriginal. You seem to be turning a blind eye to the 'white trash' that is a lot more prevalent.
Felidire said:
I'm not saying they're all like this, there are nice aboriginals (who work hard, joke around and care about others). But they're decent people.. and they weren't the ones demanding an apology, along with $20,000.

Wait, what? What's a 'nice' aborigine? One that conforms to some criteria you have set up? I know plenty of nice indigenous people who really wanted that $20k compensation because they were stolen from their families. Stop putting these people into boxes based on your own experiences, it's... wrong.
Surskitty said:
@FELIDIRE: Go away.
The fact that you are applying this stereotype - even though that you are *aware* that this is a stereotype - to every indigenous person is ridiculous.
I'm not, what the hell?..

Wait, what? What's a 'nice' aborigine? One that conforms to some criteria you have set up? I know plenty of nice indigenous people who really wanted that $20k compensation because they were stolen from their families.
They - wanted - money - because - they - were - stolen - from - their - families...
How the heck can you put a monetary value on something like that? =x

Yeah, I guess they conform to some criteria that I set up - but am I wrong? or do you consider abusive alcoholics as nice people? The word "nice" applies the same to everyone, I just so happen to be using it to describe a particular group of people.

I live next to a HomesWest house (idk if you know what that is - it's a benefit housing thing) and since it was built, out of the eight families that have lived there, one of them has been Aboriginal.
This kind of stuff isn't particularly Aboriginal. You seem to be turning a blind eye to the 'white trash' that is a lot more prevalent.
I don't know any white people who get paid to have a pet, any non-disabled white people who get free taxi rides to and from school, and any white person who gets interest-free homeloans. We also have to purchase a fishing license, but nope aboriginals aren't required to pay anything to go fishing. (and before anyone points out that they were here first and have been fishing for 70,000 years, these particular aboriginals live in houses in urban areas like any white person).

I could write out a huge list of exclusive, aboriginal benefits, I almost wish they'd write a list of everything on a government website. (We've done a lot of debating about this at tech). I'm not racist or anything, I just reckon we should have a fair country. - We all have to live here, you and I were born here just as much as they were. The people that I stereotyped (and there's a huge community of them not too far from here, i'm going there next tuesday) are a huge setback in this country, costing us to the tune of $1.2 billion per annum - and while i'm sure there are loads of dole bludging white people, I don't know of entire communities of them..

I find these people to be very.. un-"nice", to say the least.
I'm not, what the hell?..

They - wanted - money - because - they - were - stolen - from - their - families...
How the heck can you put a monetary value on something like that? =x

Well, what else can they have? Of course you can't put a monetary value on it but it's better than not even doing anything at all.
I dunno what West Virginia would be like as a person, but it'd have coal. And pepperoni rolls. And half the country wouldn't even realize it's a state, and think that people are talking about western Virginia when they mention it. :[
Around here, people know it's a state. ... but that's about it. It's a state, it's vaguely near here, and it probably sucks less than Virginia. D<
Well Virginia sucks but not as much as California. Stop hating us.

Back on topic. We know Japan does not equal "Sparkly Happy Land" and that they suck as much as any other country. They also rock at the same time.
Nah, I'm pretty sure Virginia is cooler. At least it has a beach.

We have like three major cities and the rest of the entire freaking state is random farmland / national parks / the occasional Wal-Mart. No joke. And there's not even that much to do here in the capital city. D:

No one here really has an opinion of surrounding states as far as I know. Other than that people from Ohio can't drive. Maybe if we were more interesting, people would know we existed. :[
Lol, Virginia Beach sucks so bad that my family goes to North Carolina for a beach. Not that VA Beach is terrible, but the tourism there is much worse than the relatively little that the other beach gets.
Virginia Beach is like Ocean City Light. :( Much better to go to like Sandy Point or Ocean City or that one that starts with an R.
Hey, Assateague is shared between Maryland and Virginia. You can't use Chincoteague as an excuse! D<
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