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Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

thank you, kai. and Jibaku, I'll get on that.
EDIT!: ah ha! that was kind of easy! flipping the arm the right way on the bottom right was kind of difficult, but I am confident that you will like this. however, the left arm is kind of awkward. anyway, here it is!

This is a really good sprite, and I'm impressed at it. It all flows smoothly, which is ideal, and you can see parts of both pokemon. There are some downsides to it, and one is that the tailpiece doesn't look properly attatched. You may need to make a minor scratch edit to fix it on properly. I also dislike the choice of shade of yellow on the tail, though. Perhaps a darker one would be better?
yeah. i did scratch that tail, and I also thought it looked kind of awkward... I might be able to fix it. And now that you mention it, the tail's yellow is kind of bright. I'll see what I can do.
EDIT!: how's this? I tried to fix the tail, and I mellowed out the shade of the yellow on the tail.

EDIT!(again...): Oh, jolteonshock, your fakemon is reeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaally not working out. I'm sorry, but if you want that thing done you will have to go somewhere else.
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That's fine! How about you make a splice instead? I saw you made a Dialga/Giratina splice, so how about a Palkia and Giratina one? With Palkia as the base?
It looks better now that the tail's darker, but the yellow still bug me. Maybe it would be best to just keep it black/dark grey like the original Milotic. But I must say that I like it very much indeed. I'll request at some point.

Something that I need to say about the Dialga/Giratina: The wings don't really look attatched to the rest of the body.
You know what, Kai? I don't mind all the critique, but how you have to notice something about just about all my work is getting kind of annoying. Yes, those wings don't look very attached. However, it is one of my earlier splices seeing how I pretty much just started, and I did take a long time to put those wings on, because I needed to recreate the whole face of Dialga. I am getting better, and If perhaps you could let me get maybe two or three request done, then you say just about everything you can think of in my work unless you are requesting when no matter what the interval you can say stuff about my art, that would be much appreciated. I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, but I do need to see a new post from you and not get told how to improve a good piece of work. Thank you.
Jolteonshock, I'll get right on that.
oh hey...
EDIT!: I got it done. It's not much, seeing as both of those pokemon are kind of dull I did my best though!

um:scared:... I don't know what to say... but,
EDIT!: Oh god.:freaked: Kai, I'm completely sorry for what I posted previously about your critique. I was in an irritable mood when I posted it, so I wasn't really thinking at all. For some reason, post flows have stopped to my thread, and I feel that this has something to do with it. So if you can forgive me, that would be much appreciated. But don't forgive me because of the post flow, forgive me if you really can, because it will mean nothing otherwise. If I'm being waay to sappy, then I apologize for that too. My life is boring without sprite work to do! Now if you excuse me, I'll be sitting in a corner waiting for a response. *walks solemnly to a corner,then sits in the fetal position, seeming extremely and gratuitously remorseful*
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BUMP!(if that doesn't count as a bump, then this is just for some people's attention) O yes, kai. If you wish to sick palkia upon me, that would be acceptable.
Y'know, I don't nessecarily like criticising sprites; It's just that I try to suggest ways for people to improve their sprites, so that they can get better. And with that last one, the image doesn't show up at all, which does need to be sorted out. But, I can see that you've tried to apologise, so I'll just leave with a suggestion. Try making a GPX+ style egg of your avatar.
Geez, you're quite the one for difficult things, aren't you kai? But anyway, YAY! FORGIVNESS! I'll try to do that. Might be a while, however.
EDIT!: apparently whenever I think something will take forevere, I get it done fairly quickly. I don't like this at all, so it's kind of a fail, maily due to the sheer magnitude of anti-shading.
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It looks great. Most GPX+ eggs are slightly turned to the right (our left) but that's just being nitpicky.
really? you liked it? That's like my worst thing ever. In fact, It's worse than my first grade pictures, like the ones I drew.
EDIT!: Hey, i noticed that a lot of people request espeon/umbreon splice, so I jumped the gun and made one for all those who might want one.
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Perhaps a Digglet/Wailord splice will give you a challenge.

Alright. I'll do it, even though it breaks one of my rules. the main issue though. DIGGLET/WAILORD. seriously, there is like a 50 foot height difference or something there. are you insane?

Your splices are awesome; MUCH better than mine.
Say, have you ever tried a chao?
They're fun to make.

Can you try a Pikachu chao? If not, that's completely understandable, since you've never tried them. But here's a couple tips:

Scratch the parts; resizing looks horrible, trust me, that's how I used to do them. My first one I scratched on actually looks pretty decent.

DON'T use the sprite colors; there's not enough to shade. I steal Google a pic and use its colors by taking the color from a pixel.

And if you don't want to do a chao, then how about a Dialga/Palkia splice hm?
AH! magnemite, did you read my simple rules? I know I accepted that digglet wailord splice, but I saw something in that. If you want a splice now, it'll have to be gallade/lucario, or gardivoir/something else. as for the chao, I've never really liked sonic the hedgehog, so I won't do that. other than that, It all sounds good.
oh, and wailord/digglet.

EDIT!: hey, I finished those two requests. (magnemite, I will get to yours, just change the pokemon to splice.) I really like this one.

but not this one as much, because Dialga and Palkia aren't really of compatible body shape, so it's kind of lame.
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