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Search results

  1. ZimD


    For a reality TV-based gaming website I'm on virtually 24/7, I use a seemingly random string of 20 characters which are the first letters of a sentence. I use a similar one, but missing a few of the letters, for my e-mail (changed it recently - my e-mail is a reference to a character from a...
  2. ZimD

    Kill, Screw, Marry

    ^ agreed, people are misunderstanding it. Kill Barney, always creeped me out. Marry Mr. Rogers, seems like a cool dude. Screw Dora... sweet loli 8D Again, I will say: Christianity, Islam, and atheism.
  3. ZimD

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II It was a good night. I did something I really enjoyed with a guy who I really love and who feels the same towards me, and it was an incredibly special experience that we both will never forget, and it meant a lot to both of us. Afterwards, I went outside in an...
  4. ZimD


    I didn't see it, it was too cloudy, but standing outside in the cold and the complete silence was a uniquely rewarding experience itself.
  5. ZimD

    Kill, Screw, Marry

    Kill Million Pound Drop Live, because wtf is that? Marry Millionaire, bc that show was beast. Fuck Weakest Link, bc the guy is hot. Christianity, Islam, atheism.
  6. ZimD

    You're Banned (Reincarnate)

    You're banned because it is clearly VAL, and even if you don't know who that is, you can clearly see it's a bunch of computer screens surrounded by a green octagon.
  7. ZimD

    What kind of people do you hang out with?

    Me, having a social life? Haha. Okay. Sure. At school I hang out with a few people, not a lot. Basically whoever I happen to like that's in whatever class i'm in. But outside of school I haven't done anything with anyone (besides my sister who is an awesome friend) for, like, months.
  8. ZimD

    How did you become a Pokémon?

    Re: How did you become a Pokémon? Ever read the Emerald or FireRed Pokedex entires about Kadabra? Yeah, that's me.
  9. ZimD

    You're Banned (Reincarnate)

    You're banned because I would like to know whether you know what it's from.
  10. ZimD

    why thank you for that delightful frogcat

    why thank you for that delightful frogcat
  11. ZimD

    How did you become a Pokémon fan?

    Re: How did you become a Pokémon fan? It was the 90's, and I had an older brother and sister who were 10 and 8. That should pretty much be self-explanatory.
  12. ZimD

    Hogwarts Houses

    It's a hard question for me, really... I definitely would not be a Gryffindor. I'm not brave or self-sacrificial enough to belong in there. That's the last house I'd be in. Hufflepuff is about loyalty, and I always interpreted it as being a "good" person in general and having a strong sense of...
  13. ZimD

    Creepy Pokemon Shit

    So ur with ur honey and yur making wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is “yo this is joey just so you no my rattata in the top percentage of all rattatas” U tell ur girl n she say “joey is ded”. THEN WHO WAS PHONE?
  14. ZimD

    Your favourite genre of music?

    I don't know. I voted Other, because I really don't pay attention to what genre I'm listening to - if I hear it, and I like it, I throw it on my computer. If it sounds good to me, then I enjoy it - I don't actively seek out music of a specific genre. I guess I listen to mostly rock/alternative...
  15. ZimD

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II iPod get. gotta love christmas
  16. ZimD

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Completely fucking hates Forum Games and would never even consider re-creating a thread.
  17. ZimD

    hurt 'n' heal

    Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches. HOLY SHIT. i love this game still. [195] Umbreon [20] Jolteon hurt jolt, heal umbreon
  18. ZimD

    You're Banned (Reincarnate)

    You're banned because I find it highly unlikely that you legitimately live inside of my mind, seeing as how my brain is not large enough to even hold a small dog and the majority of humans are significantly large than that
  19. ZimD

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Oh, hi. I like penises, and I like the fact that I like penises.
  20. ZimD

    The LGBT Club

    Westboro Baptist Church were bullshitting and didn't show up. Didn't want to spend the incredibly small amount of money I have on a play I can probably torrent somewhere anyway. So, basically, Saturday was no different than any other day whatsoever at all.
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