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Hogwarts Houses


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It's a hard question for me, really... I definitely would not be a Gryffindor. I'm not brave or self-sacrificial enough to belong in there. That's the last house I'd be in.

Hufflepuff is about loyalty, and I always interpreted it as being a "good" person in general and having a strong sense of morality. Again, really not applicable to me - possibly even less so than Gryffindor. (I'm also not very good at finding things!)

Ravenclaw and Slytherin... I could feasibly see myself in both of them. Slytherin I think fits me more accurately, I am ambitious and if I see something that I want, I try my best to go for it. I can be manipulative when necessary (online Big Brother- and Surivor-based games have helped this attribute).

As far as Ravenclaw goes, I think that I am naturally intelligent, and if - but only if - I care about something and have an interest in it, I really do enjoy learning about it.

The thing is, based on the canon, those are the two houses I'd LEAST want to be in - as we learn in the 7th book, Ravenclaw doesn't have a common room password. It has riddles instead, and I don't think I'd be good enough at those to ever really get in the common room. As far as Slytherin goes, while it isn't really a house for douchebags, most of the people in it ARE douchebags and bullies and such, so I really wouldn't fit in with the people there.

I voted Slytherin because it's the most applicable to me personally, but if I were actually in Hogwarts, it'd be a tough sorting, I think, since two of the Houses don't apply to me on any level, and the other two are the ones I wouldn't fit in with. But, hey, they managed to sort Wormtail, so I think they can sort me.
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