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Your favourite genre of music?

What is your favourite genre of music

  • Classical

    Votes: 14 27.5%
  • Jazz

    Votes: 12 23.5%
  • Hip-hop/rap

    Votes: 7 13.7%
  • Folk/Indie/Hipster

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • Electronica (including techno, drum 'n' bass, etc)

    Votes: 18 35.3%
  • Rock (classic, alternative rock)

    Votes: 32 62.7%
  • Punk/emo/post-hardcore

    Votes: 14 27.5%
  • Metal (whatever version. Nu-metal counts as rock)

    Votes: 17 33.3%
  • I don't give a fig about music

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Other (please state)

    Votes: 18 35.3%

  • Total voters
just to be different, didn't vote for rock, instead voted for indie, post-hardcore, metal and classical, especially since I'm starting to move away from prog rock and more towards hipster stuff

I intend to explore indie and post-rock more in-depthly over the winter break since I really got into certain bands from those genres recently

and also want to get into more good black metal bands (Nachtmystium, Xasthur, Celestia, Mortifera, Darkspace, Leviathan and Lurker Of Chalice are of interest)

also really into hardcore/metalcore/post-hardcore/etc. stuff like Converge, HORSE the Band, The Fall Of Troy, At The Drive-In, Against Me!, etc.; Cursive also have 90s emo and punk influences, and I even like the odd cybergrind band Genghis Tron

and classical is always good imo, as is ambient, post-rock, shoegaze, new age, darkwave, etc. stuff for background music while studying, or to listen to in general

I like jazz occassionally and will eventually check out more stuff, and the underground rap stuff I like includes Jedi Mind Tricks and stuff I've heard from Immortal Technique so far, but didn't vote for those two genres since they don't have as much of an impact on me as the others do

and neither does most "electronica", although I do like some stuff from Aphex Twin, VNV Nation, Infected Mushroom, Boards Of Canada, Venetian Snares and Kraftwerk

perhaps prog metal is overall still my most favourite genre
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I don't know. I voted Other, because I really don't pay attention to what genre I'm listening to - if I hear it, and I like it, I throw it on my computer. If it sounds good to me, then I enjoy it - I don't actively seek out music of a specific genre. I guess I listen to mostly rock/alternative rock, but it's not as if that's all I listen to, by any means, or I avoid other genres. It depends on my mood, more than anything.
No love for R&B or reggae in this poll? I am dissappoint.

Anyway, In addition to those genres, I also like classic rock and jazz. But really, I enjoy many different kinds of music. :P
My taste in music is rather diverse. Just to take a sampling from my mp3 player, you have Biffy Clyro (alternative rock), Cee-Lo Green (hip hop? soul/electronica? idk), the Ink Spots (Dixieland, iirc), Pendulum (tangently drum 'n' bass/rock), Rammstein (electronica/metal), Rilo Kiley (indie/hipster?). I don't even known what half the genres are. Genres should really only be a loose guideline. I had to study a piece for music that started with military drumming and a trad Irish slow air, then erupted into a Romantic classical piece; I wouldn't know what genre to call it altogether.

Genres are useful in certain situations but I don't think anyone has a "favourite" genre, really. For the record, I hit them all (except for the "I don't care" one, obviously) because I can pick a band or artist I really like out of each; Tchaikovsky, Billie Holiday, Cee-Lo Green (I think, it's hard to say), Mumford & Sons (for folk), Innerpartysystem, Biffy Clyro, Cancer Bats and Wolverine. Lady GaGa is straddling all the genres and likely fucking them with her big donkey dick.
Aside from the fact that Lady Gaga is the musical messiah, I listen mostly to pop and rock.
Lately I've been trying out a lot of music from non-US artists and I really like it. Even if I can't tell what the hell Utada Hikaru is saying, I can appreciate her singing and the music.
Wait, why is punk put under the same ticky box as "emo"? There's kinda a whole world of difference between The Clash, Sex Pistols, etc. and, say, Green Day or some such. Putting my vote in for it despite that though, also Rock, Hip-Hop (Gorrilaz <3), and Electronica (Daft Punk <3).
Because emo derived from earlier hardcore bands, as well as earlier punk bands. Hence it's under punk.
Emo originally was a subgenre of punk (emotive hardcore) before it evolved into the scene shit it is today.

(also, green day isn't a punk band)
My top would be the hard prog like Rush or Coheed and Cambria, but I say all rock and VGM are the best. I listen to everything though other than death metal and rap.
Well, it's obvious, I enjoy K-pop. But I'm limited on my Korean, so I can't understand a third of the lyrics xD But music is music, and it shouldn't matter what language it's in as long as you like it, right?
i like metal a lot, but i'm silly and biased and particularly prefer stuff from the 80s and 90s. i won't deny that there has been plenty of good music to come out of the 2000s so far but as a whole i generally tend to prefer stuff from around the time window of 1975-ish to 1997-ish. subgenres include heavy, thrash, speed, and a little bit of progressive. 80s (and late 70s) hard rock is also great. i also actually don't mind 80s hair metal, it's fun, but i don't own any records of the stuff or anything.

beyond rock and metal i also quite like old-school rap, like beastie boys and run-DMC and wu-tang, that kind of stuff. don't care for the kind of hip-hop that's on the top 40 charts these days.

i'm still working on getting more into these genres and don't own that much material from them yet, but i am liking jazz, funk, and jazz fusion kind of stuff as well.

ditto with the above in that i don't know them THAT well yet and actually kind of only like some select artists out of it here and there, but some crazy experimental rock kind of stuff is cool as well, i particularly tend to like ones with a silly, kind of comedic edge to them. think buckethead, frank zappa, and primus and other stuff having to do with les claypool. i'm kind of squeamish about this stuff though and it can't be TOO avant-garde to the point where it borders on the genre of noise.
Any jazz you can recommend? Thinking of looking into some myself, particularly the fusion stuff that inspired Cynic, Rush, DT etc
Video Game music, of course!

And jazz, I just love relaxing to nice, lounge jazz, and fast-paced is cool too. And while I'm at it, Blues is another great genre.
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