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How did you become a Pokémon?

Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

No, that was later. That was after I'd been through all sorts of messed-up shit and then I awoke one morning again to find myself transformed in my bed into a tiny spider. Then I said, "Oh, no, not again."

Did you ever catch the train to work? :(
Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

... they go to the daycare and the daycare man gives you an egg?

Also how do spiders type.
Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

What giratina? That's just a pretty picture. I'm a jynx, silly.
Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

It is hard to type with these stubby jalorda arms :[
Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

I was taking a brisk stroll through a stormy desert when I came across a pit of quicksand. I tried to go around it, but a gust of wind pushed me just far enough to fall in. I panicked, and nearly suffocated. I eventually passed out. When I finally came to, I realized I was a Sandslash!

It's really hard to type with these claws...
Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

Electricity to type, especially Bachuru. (just input the correct signal, ;P)
As for me, I could use paws if I needed to. It's not like paws are one big bulge or consistent of bulgy toes. ^^
Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

I've got two little peeled banana arm stub things!

(And that's Dr. Mr. Snakey to you!)
Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

Nah, last time I tried that I sliced my keyboard in half.
Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

How do humans type? I mean, it's not called the "Internet" and "World Wide Web" for nothing. Obviously computers are designed for spiders.

Fun fact: electronic circuits are all made by Bachuru using Electric Net.
Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

What does your father think of your being a bachuru?
Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

Ever read the Emerald or FireRed Pokedex entires about Kadabra?

Yeah, that's me.
Re: How did you become a Pokémon?

As I awoke one morning from uneasy dreams I found myself transformed in my bed into a gigantic butterfly.

I love you. Metamorphosis :3

Anyway, as for me? I, um, well. It was an accident with a time machine and a carrot. I won't explain.
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