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Search results

  1. Scyther

    TQftL Audiobook: Prolouge - Chapter 5

    Haha, woops. I totally misinterpreted the last line in the prologue. There, fixed.
  2. Scyther

    TQftL Audiobook: Prolouge - Chapter 5

    Alright. So, I've compiled a list of characters from the first few chapters, so people can begin signing up for parts. To sign up for a part, just upload a small recording saying a line or something. I've decided there's no need to dole them out based on gender or anything, so everyone can be...
  3. Scyther

    TQftL audiobook

    Guys, no one really is suggesting we read in Icelandic accents. Read however you want, within reason.
  4. Scyther

    TQftL audiobook

    Well, I for one suggest a Kickstarter in order to raise money for Music Dragon to quit his job and read all TQftL in his sexually delicious Swedish accent.
  5. Scyther

    TQftL audiobook

    Don't feel bad! Nobody's annoyed; we're all flattered you were willing to do so much.
  6. Scyther

    TQftL audiobook

    I intially was thinking that I'd do the narration and people would take over individual characters, but now that you suggest the other thing, I could be convinced that it's better. We could all work independently and probably get it done a lot quicker; plus there's surskitty's point about people...
  7. Scyther

    TQftL audiobook

    So, guys! In June, I'm starting production of an audiobook of Butterfree's The Quest for the Legends. I got permission from Butterfree; it's something that I've been thinking about for a while and I've decided that there's no way it couldn't be awesome so I'm going through with it. I don't know...
  8. Scyther

    Can video games be considered art?

    My gut response to this claim is to flaunt the Mother series. I remember some guy quoted as saying that the Mother series is the closest any video game has gotten to being a literary masterpiece, and I have to agree wholeheartedly. I actually only ever played part of Mother 3, and even though I...
  9. Scyther

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Me being badass at my sister's wedding. But clearly the overalls will always call to me.
  10. Scyther

    "Derren Brown, magician-mentalist who is really, really good at fucking epically with people's...

    "Derren Brown, magician-mentalist who is really, really good at fucking epically with people's heads." I completely misread this as "Derren Brown, magician-mentalist who is really, really good at fucking, especially with people's heads."
  11. Scyther

    Detention Stories

    I went with my sister to her college formal with her fraternity, and since I'm a high school student, we all started talking about our funny detention stories. How about you guys? Have you ever gotten detention? The first time I got detention was Sophomore year, because of my homeroom teacher...
  12. Scyther

    Child Discipline

    A class that's required to graduate from high school? Yeah, I'm fine with that. Perhaps there could be a free government class you could take in order to get reduced costs on certain goods once the child is born. But as far as requiring it in order to actually have a child? That's really...
  13. Scyther

    The 10 People You Would Most Like To Meet

    Oh crap, just looked it up, and I was wrong. I guess there was a hoax a while ago and I believed it because I was only vaguely aware of who he was and didn't bother researching it any further. EDIT: I was think of Christopher Hitchens.
  14. Scyther

    Child Discipline

    Aah, I know you're being sarcastic but I'm obliged to say that this is the worst idea in the history of forever! The tiny bit of libertarian in me screams at this in terror.
  15. Scyther

    The 10 People You Would Most Like To Meet

    Vehement Mustelid, Stephen Hawkings died a couple months ago. Anyway! 1. Quentin Tarantino (because, I don't know, Kill Bill is awesome) 2. Richard Dawkins 3. J.K. Rowling 4. Bill Gates 5. Mark Zuckerburg (autocorrect wanted to change 'Zuckerburg' to 'Cheeseburger'?) 6. Ellen DeGeneres Ah, I...
  16. Scyther

    Which TCoD members can you identify just by their style of typing?

    Somebody should make another thread out of this, where they get a bunch of writing samples from different people and then have us try to guess who's who. The writing samples could be in plaintext, and the authors would be next to them, in spoilers. There would also be a list of authors to choose...
  17. Scyther

    Child Discipline

    When was a kid and I did something spank-worthy (which was semi-occasional), my parents would tell me to go to my bedroom. After fifteen minutes or so, they would come into the room with a wooden spoon. They would ask me what I did wrong, and why it was wrong, and I had to explain it in my own...
  18. Scyther

    Contact Information

    Standard TCoD Username: Scyther #tcod: Scyther E-mail: isaacwheeland *at* gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/isaac.wheeland Feel free to friend me as long as you tell me you're from here. It'll let us get to know each other better and more personally and it makes me look popular when I...
  19. Scyther

    Greatest Fears/Phobias

    I think I've developed a fear of heights, if that makes any sense? I never remember being afraid of them as a little kid. However, a year or so ago, I went on a ride at an amusement park where it takes you up really high and then suddenly drops you. (Like this.) After that, I acquired a fear of...
  20. Scyther


    Re: POSITIVE BODY FEATURES THREAD II I like my body in general, yeah? I'm not sure how much of it is genetic and how much of it is the ridiculous amount of exercise I do. I blessedly come from a rather good-looking family. Thankfully, body-image is not among my many neuroses.
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