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TQftL Audiobook: Prolouge - Chapter 5


i write erotic novels. for children.

So, I've compiled a list of characters from the first few chapters, so people can begin signing up for parts. To sign up for a part, just upload a small recording saying a line or something.

I've decided there's no need to dole them out based on gender or anything, so everyone can be whoever they want to be. Unless there's a significant sound issue, parts will be doles out on a first come, first served basis.

Since I highly doubt there will be enough willing people to do all of these parts, I have combined a few, and may ask some of the smaller speaking parts to take up another. If you can't, don't sweat it; the narrator can absorb them.

With no further ado:

Ms. Grodski / Nurse Joy
Mark's mom / Grumpy hotel lady
Mark's Dad / Gyarados
Eevee / Rattatta / Skarmony
Pokemon Center Girl (Megan) / Grumpy hotel lady
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Haha, woops. I totally misinterpreted the last line in the prologue.

There, fixed.
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