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Search results

  1. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Where are you from?

    I am from Prague, but I am currently living in the united states.
  2. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Favorite vocalists

    Trent Raznor Pete Burns Marilyn Manson Amy Lee Corey Taylor
  3. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    That's great. My friends have taught me a bit about Wicca. The spells proceedure is very, very...

    That's great. My friends have taught me a bit about Wicca. The spells proceedure is very, very complicated :P
  4. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    If you could live in any historical period, what would it be?

    I would like to live during the renaissance.
  5. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Do you mean Tara? I know a girl named Tara that goes by that name on a site.

    Do you mean Tara? I know a girl named Tara that goes by that name on a site.
  6. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

    ^ That made me laugh! A girl named Anya is attracted to me AND my eldest brother... and she is very beautiful too.
  7. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    What would you be in the Pokemon World?

    Being a trainer would be adiquate for myself, so that is my choice.
  8. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    You can download it from the internet for free. My friend Estella did this.
  9. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    You practice Wicca?

    You practice Wicca?
  10. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    The LGBT Club

    I am attracted to both men and women. May I join this club?
  11. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Hello there.

    Hello there.
  12. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    What career might you be in or plan in being in the future? Myself, I am an aspiring model. I haven´t gone far, but the two or three jobs I have had are fine.
  13. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Lots of Birds... o_O

    This happens where i live too. By the garden flocks of birds sit on our trees. It is really captivating.
  14. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    How did you come to T-Cod?

    My friend Natasha introduced me to this game, and I searched for a page to a forum.
  15. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Hiya! =)

    Hello there. Welcome to the forums.
  16. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    What would you do if you were terminally ill?

    I would want to die as fast as possible and be forgotten. I would not want to cause pain.
  17. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

    I have a crush, it is my twin brother Alex. My other crushes would be Dita Von Tease and Amy Lee. I am attracted to Marilyn Manson and Cory Taylor too.
  18. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    What pets would you like?

    I would really adore having scorpions. They are so small and lethal, it just... makes me attracted to the idea.
  19. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    It is very alluring. I have friends and they have lent me their bible, so I read and alot of things actually make sense regarding our nature as human beings and such. I am not a follower yet, but I am thnking about it.
  20. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    hello everybody!

    Hello. Welcome to the cave of the dragonflies.
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