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What pets would you like?

I'd really like a dog; they're friendly, loyal, you're much less likely to have your house broken into if you own one, and if I had to take it for walks every morning, it'd give me some exercise :D

I love most medium and large dogs - I don't really like most dogs smaller than a King Charlie Spaniel, but I'm not too keen on ones bred for guard duty like dobermanns or rottweilers. I'm also a little wary of dalmatians. My favourites are Irish wolfhounds, red setters and retreivers, but I'd probably get a mixed variety because the Kennel Club disturbs me and mixed dogs tend to be healthier (and significantly cheaper).

I'd also like a rat; I had two female rats that I loved dearly that died two years ago, and if I were to get another one, I'd get a single male.

Pot-bellied pigs also look like awesome pets, but I don't know anyone who has one so I can ask them about it. I love pigs so much; they're so intelligent and friendly <3

I'm horribly allergic to cats ):
Right now, I have a cat and a dog, though I really only consider the cat to be mine. The dog is my mother's. However, both of them are getting on in years, and probably won't last more than another 5 years.

But as to what I'd like, I've done my own research, and I would really like to get a ball python. There's just one big problem... my father hates and is afraid of snakes. So unfortunately I can't do anything until I eventually move out.
I'm not allowed any pets. I'd like a cat(so cute ^_^), a fox(cute as well ^_^) and a Rabbit(cute stuffs ^_^). If I could only have one I'd get a cat and if I could get only two, the cat and fox and if three then the cat, fox and rabbit.
Foxes are cute, but they're not really domesticated and make terrible pets; they're very destructive, loud and can be aggressive. You're better off with the rabbit, honestly.

Oh, and I meant to say before; I currently have a budgie (Swablu), except he can't live with me because uni accomodation doesn't allow animals, so he's being looked after by my family. Last I heard, he lives in the bath now O.o
A kitteh would be epic :3

And I'm not sure there are any others I'd really want. As Shocktail no doubt guessed I wouldn't say no to a foxeh, but they're meant to be wild :3
I like Turtles the most since when I'm playing a game I can let him out and run around the living room/computer room without fear of him getting loss or anything. I don't like it when pets are kept in a glass cage forever and are only let out when the thing is getting clean.
I just want a dog. I'm not allergic. Rest of my family is though...

And they don't think I'd be responsible enough...
If you introduce the cat and dog when they're a kitten and puppy respectively, then they'll probably get used to each other. I think certain breeds are friendlier though. =)
I have...five cats? Ok, well, two are my Dad's and three are my Mom's, so I don't know if that counts, but whatever. No idea what my Mom's are. My Dad's are mother and daughter. Daughter is about 13-14, mother is about 14-15. We think they might have some Russian Blue, maybe Ragamuffin, or Maine Coon or something. We also have a dog, she's about 2, and she's got bits of Lab, Wippet, Collie, and probably some other breeds. We have some fish, too.

There's all sorts of animals I think it would be great to have. Turtles, snakes, hamsters, a parrot or some other bird, ferrets, what have you.
I have a Pomchi and a Albino rat right now, If I could have any pets I'd want another dog (A daschund or a Pug, probably) and a Bald rat (Or one of those 2 foot long ones :3)

Yes I would love a 2 foot long rat xD
I've always been a cat person. ^^; But not crazy cat lady quality as I'm only apt to care for one-two at a time.
At the moment I've one cat, Kido, who's a Flamepoint Siamese. Siamese also being probably my favourite species. :3 In the past I also had a Bluepoint Siamese/Himalayian mix named Jetta, and a Red Tabby named Charlie. Unfortunately they've since passed, both from Feline Leukaemia.. Far too young, age 4 and 9-10 respectively. D: I've always felt so terrible.. (It's thought Charlie had it initially, but it was dormant and we had no clue. Then Jetta was taken down all at once and we found they were both positive.)

I'm not much of a dog person, but I had a Husky/Shepard mix named Midnight (She was black with a white muzzle and chest spot) who lived to around 16 and only recently passed. She was just the sweetest thing.. And amazingly tame, we let her out back in our unfenced backyard and she stayed there. I don't see myself wanting another dog though, especially after her. >< Wouldn't be near the same.
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