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Search results

  1. Harlequin

    I've been awarded a research bursary ^o.o^

    :( I can't apply to any of these around Cardiff/a feasible area because I'm going to be in Kenya until the very end of July, and everything I've looked at is an 8-week placement beginning in July and ending in August. Lucky :(
  2. Harlequin


    if you're in Wales feel free to come hang out in Cardiff during June, if you like! I'm sure I could arrange something if you were interested!
  3. Harlequin

    IRC Channel

    I haven't visited #tcod in ages. Life is so busy guys ; ;
  4. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    hey, guys! The LGBT+ Association here has been running a campaign all year called Out in Sport whose main aim is to get rid of homophobia in our Athletic Union. It's been quite successful this year and is now being rolled out across the UK as part of the NUS LGBT+ national campaigns. This is the...
  5. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    :D thank you!! also you know you can totally still come to LGBT+ stuff right?? that time you came was kind of faily in that the event that was actually planned sort of failed, but uh --- well, they don't all fail. (you could also come to pottersoc if you wanted! we meet every tuesday in koko...
  6. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    vaguely-relevant: I am the president of my university's Harry Potter society :D
  7. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Already banned! :D
  8. Harlequin

    I KNOW RIGHT I just don't even he is the best and only evidence for intelligent design imo

    I KNOW RIGHT I just don't even he is the best and only evidence for intelligent design imo
  9. Harlequin

    oh well yeah the duran duran mash up was good obvs but darren criss <3

    oh well yeah the duran duran mash up was good obvs but darren criss <3
  10. Harlequin


  11. Harlequin

    i ... what the hell seriously, what the hell is this shit??????????

    i ... what the hell seriously, what the hell is this shit??????????
  12. Harlequin

    asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjkl i <333333333333

    asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjkl i <333333333333
  13. Harlequin

    yeah the new episode today should be quite cool, i'm looking forward to it!!! but that will have...

    yeah the new episode today should be quite cool, i'm looking forward to it!!! but that will have to wait because. because. because my boyfriend doesn't watch glee.
  14. Harlequin

    I'm struggling to express my feelings about where Glee has gone lately.

    I'm struggling to express my feelings about where Glee has gone lately.
  15. Harlequin

    1. wtf gay cyclops 2. finchel 4eva 3. sue 4. ricky martin!!!!!!!! <3333333 i just i don't even...

    1. wtf gay cyclops 2. finchel 4eva 3. sue 4. ricky martin!!!!!!!! <3333333 i just i don't even what
  16. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    In other queer news... my boyfriend was just elected LGBT+ Welfare Officer of our Student's Union!!!!!! wooo
  17. Harlequin

    Israel's ban on underweight models

    I definitely agree with the intention of the legislation although I think it wasn't implemented in the best way.
  18. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Saith, if you're in Cardiff again and want to meet up with a group of LGBT+ friendly people then I strongly recommend Cardiff University's LGBT+ Association. It's one of the biggest and most active LGBT societies in the country and it's really inclusive and welcoming. My boyfriend is the gay...
  19. Harlequin

    On college majors

    dunno i'm just like, a biologist. Biology is good! I decided to do it before I went to university and changing now would just be too hard and I don't even want to anyway I mean it's biology. <3
  20. Harlequin

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    :D yes you probably saw the Facebook thingy so er "um someone" actually means my boyfriend :D i quite like him I want to go on holiday and be silly :(
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